Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Vigil - 4.11.09

We went to Easter Vigil at our church last night in order to celebrate Matt's initiation into the Catholic faith. This picture was taken before we left. The boys looked so handsome.

The mass was very meaningful and long. We didnt get back until after midnight. It was done in three languages: English, Spanish and Vietnamese. I really liked hearing the liturgy that way. The ritual of our Catholic mass is the same everywhere so even though parts were in a different language, I knew what was going on anyway. They baptized 52 new Catholics last night - full immersion into the water. I had never seen that before so it was neat to experience that for the first time.

Of course the star of the evening was Matt. He is now a fully initiated member of the Catholic faith. My parents and my Grandma Nena joined the boys and me for the occasion. It was very special and something I will remember for a long time.

When Matt and I met, it didnt matter to me that he wasn't Catholic. I grew up in a family where my parents weren't both Catholic and I think it shaped me in a positive, culturally sensitive way. My view on spirituality has always been pretty broad. I believe good people are rewarded by a greater God in various tangible and in tangible ways. To me it doesnt matter how you worship or even if you worship. What matters is the kind of life you live. Matt becoming Catholic doesnt change the wonderful man he is. He still has the same beautiful heart I fell in love with 14 years ago. I think what does change is that we are now a Catholic family. What that means remains to be seen. But for now it feels pretty neat.

I love you, Matt. Congratulations.


  1. Ok Mom is sitting here crying now ( she thnks Lisa is just so sweet) but says he still isn't Saint Matthew. Great Pic of the boys! Love Ya and congrats Bro!

  2. Great pictures of the boys! I am so proud of all of you. Kids need to be raised by parents like you who really teach them all the important things in life.

    Love ya!

  3. i love what you said and dayum, matt is looking GOOD in that suit!
