Friday, November 20, 2009

The Low Down.

The deets are choppy but this is what Ive gathered:

-Shea had a good time. :)

-(editorial note:) Shea was super nervous. I saw him within the half hour of the dance starting and he was definitely acting out of character. He appeared lost in his own thoughts and very quiet. In a word: pensive. I had a couple students and two of his teachers come up to me during the afternoon to say how differently he was acting. He was TOTALLY acting weird. I have seen him act this way before and its usually because he's neverous/anxious about something. Its hard to believe that anything can rattle him, but he was TOTALLY rattled yesterday before the dance.

-they played Billie Jean and Thriller by Michael Jackson. Random info, I know, but it was some he volunteered without any prodding.

- the music was played by the older students on an ipod.

-one song they played was Soulja Boy. (editorial note: blech.)

-Seamus slow danced with his classmate, A. This fact was substantiated to me by some other classmates after school. (editorial note: A. is a super nice, sweet, smart girl so I was not totally freaked out when I heard. If I had to pick a girl for him to dance with, it would have been her. ) Apparently, the dance was set up by their other classmate, J. (editoral note: As a former teacher of middle school, I can totally see the set up scenario happening, though I was surprised that it included Seamus. I would have thought it would involve other students in his class - more outgoing, girl crazy or alternatively boy crazy students - but not him. I was wrong.)

-when I asked Seamus how did he know what to do (editoral note: he's never slow danced before) he said "I think the ballroom dancing at school helped."

-he forgot the song they danced to. (editorial note: I still remember the song that was playing when I first danced with a boy. I guess that's a girl thing and not a boy thing.)

-when I asked if there were any other 6th graders that slow danced, he said he didnt think so. (editorial note: there was wide eyed, screaming going on in my head about this time. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!) Seamus later remembered a couple names of some classmates that did slow dance. (editorial note: Praise Jesus!)

- Seamus seemed to think that some kids didnt slow dance because there wasnt a counterpart the same height -as if that was a necessity. (editorial note: interesting thought, but that didnt seem to stop Seamus. He is the smallest kid in the class.)

-it is possible Seamus danced with a second girl. (editorial note: I am still unclear if this actually happened or if he was talking about some other classmate. I think when he told me this tidbit I might have checked out and gone into a black out, denial zone because I honestly cant recall if this information was a dream, something I misunderstood or for real. The details were hazy and we were both uncomfortable talking about it so I didnt push for much. I cant imagine my son dancing with ONE girl, let alone TWO. The whole thing kind of makes me feel a bit queasy in my stomach.)

So how about that for a Happy Friday! Eeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk! ;)


  1. ooooh. as a mama of boys, this post makes me want to freeze time. so.not.ready!!!! sending big ((hugs)) your way.

  2. Me neither, Lisa.
