Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 09

Halloween this year was different than normal. We usually spend Halloween at my cousin Nicole's house. They live in a planned community and their neighbors really get into the holiday. Her daughters Isa and Gabriela are there and my sister's kids Eli and Abbey drive over. Usually Miranda and my parents and my grandma show up. We have pizza and beer and the kids make out with all the candy they receive. We always have a nice time. However, this year Seamus and Finn were invited to spend Halloween with their friends. I could appreciate them wanting to spend the night with kids their age, but I also like the tradition of seeing my family. I decided we could do both and unfortunately some things got messed up in the shuffle.

At around 4:30 we headed off to Nic's place. I called both of my sisters as we were heading out in the hopes that I wouldn't miss them. I didnt call my mom; I figured she and Dad would be there. When I arrived at Jennifer's house (we decided to caravan over since we live in the same neighborhood) she reminded me about Mom's surgery and told me Mom wasnt going to go to Nicole's. Crap! I hadnt expected that. Unlike my two sisters, I hadnt spoken or seen my mom since her surgery. I figured she'd be at Nicole's, but instead found myself realizing that we probably werent going to see her or my father that night. Bummer! When we arrived Nic's place I was happy to see my Grandma, Fabricio (Nicole's husband,) my Aunt Lucy and my Uncle Joe. Phew! Some things were still the same. All the kids look adorable and it was great to see Nicole's friends, Jennifer and Lindy. However, another unexpected problem quickly arose: Miranda and I had a miscommunication about when we'd be at Nicole's and in her frustration decided not to go. Ugggh! WTF??? So much for getting pictures with everyone. I was beginning to feel stressed out and the night had barely begun!

Thankfully, things did settle down once we met up with Tina and Chris to attend the party. The boys were really excited to see each other in their costumes. Tina's kids were all matching puppy dogs: Mutley, Sparky and Rhino. They looked adorable. We walked over to the Larsen's house where the party was taking place and after some food and festivities the boys, Matt and I went trick or treating. We have lived in our house for almost 11 years and this year was the first time we trick or treated in our own neighborhood. It was pretty neat.

Here are some pics:

Matt and I got really into our costumes this year. I was a witch. He was a zombie.

Here are the cousins with Grandma Nena.

The cousins:

Halloween this year was different and the fall out in my family has been pretty yucky. (((sigh))) I really hope last night isnt a premonition for what Thanksgiving is going to be like. God help us if it is.
Happy Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Love your costumes. You are all much better looking but what the heck - it was Halloween!
