Friday, March 5, 2010

If I Had A Million Dollars...

Yesterday my nephew Eli came over after school to play with Finn. The two cousins have been getting along really well lately and I wanted to give them some solo time to connect and play while Seamus was at soccer practice. When Seamus came home around four, the three of us trekked over to our green field up the street. I need to make up a name for the field. Im leaning towards Strawberry Fields because of the Beatles song, even though its not a strawberry field. Anyway,while we were out Jen and Abbey dropped by the house to get Eli but we werent there. Jen called me on the cell and they too came over to the field for a bit. Here are a few shots I got of them yesterday.

I absolutely love that picture above of Abbey above. She was heading into a thick area and when I called her name, she quickly looked over her shoulder. CLICK - a totally lucky shot. Oh... I love this next picture too. The grass is really tall in this field right now - taller than the kids in some areas. The boys like to sneak up like a tiger in the tundra and scare me. Yesterday, I was taking a picture of Eli and Finn attempted to scare me. Randomly, I turned around right as he was coming close and when I saw him I startled him and yelled something like "You sneaker! Dont even think about it." He was overcome with giggles and I got this shot of him running away after being caught. His face kills me.

I shared with the boys my dream a few weeks ago. I want to buy that field and make it a neighborhood park. I dont have a chance in hell of getting the money it takes to buy such a large parcel of land in Southern California, but if I had a million dollars Id buy that field so that houses could never be built on it. You can actually see the ocean from the top of the field. Can you imagine how much its worth? Once bought, Id take one small area of the field and dedicate it to garden space. We could build some planting boxes and glow our own veggies and fruits for the neighborhood to enjoy. Kind of like a co-op of sorts. The rest of the field would remain wild. We might put a dirt path so its easier to get around to certain parts, but basically it would be left the way it is. I might also make a short wall out of stones and rocks and ceramics and old tile near the street. We could put sign on it so people would know this is our neighborhood park and to pick up their trash and dog poop.

I better start playing the lottery. :)
Happy Friday.

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