Wednesday, October 14, 2009

They Call Me Yuck Mouth...

Can you see in there? My mouth was pretty messed up yesterday, but today its much better thanks to Dr. Englert at Sycamore Dental Associates. Thank you, Dr. E! Up on the top right side of my mouth are two teeth prepped and ready for their brand new crowns. Dr. E drilled and drilled and drilled. Thank God for the Xanax. When I am "under the influence" I can hear the drills and even feel the different vibrations of them in my mouth, but it doesnt freak me out. Its the most bizarre experience cause normally Im a nightmare at the dentist office. What is the name for an irrational fear of the dentist? Whatever it is, I have it. With Xanax I typically fall asleep during the procedure. Isnt that amazing? I just love that. Yesterday I fell asleep for a chunk of the procedure but I dreamt that I was drowning in a swimming pool. When I woke up, I was gasping for air and Dr. E had to calm me down a bit. A few minutes later, I was asleep again. Ahhhhhhhhhh!

Barb drove me to and from the office. I cant drive when Im on Xanax. I was at the dentist from 9am -12:30 then came home and napped until it was time to get the boys. As the day wore on, I began to feel really miserable. I was experiencing a lot of pain in my mouth - bad pain. Normally I feel sore, but in previous root canals I hadnt felt sharp pain. Yesterday afternoon and evening, I was feeling really bad, sharp pain. I could feel my mouth throbbing and that pain would come intermittently. It was really horrible and was making me super cranky. Thankfully, Barb and Matt took over and I went to bed early with a vicodin.

This morning Im feeling 100% better. Wooo hooooo! My jaw/mouth/gums are sore, but its not a painful feeling at all. It feels like I had my mouth open for a long time. I'll probably have to watch what I eat on that side, but Im so thankful things seem to have gone fine.

I never thought Id be thankful for a dentist, but today Im feeling very grateful. Dr. Englert is one cool guy.

Happy Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you survived. As one who also suffers badly from dentophobia I know you were thanking God for Xanax - I don't even get my teeth cleaned without the little pills! Unfortunately, they make me like to talk on the phone and I have made some very long annoying calls to those who love me.
