Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Reality Check

Not 10 minutes after I wrote the last post, an ambulance drove up my driveway to take my neighbor Ellie to the hospital. She is dying of cancer and was going to get a blood transfusion. She did not look good.

Talk about guilt. I feel like a whining child for writing what I did. How stupid of me to complain about my computer when at the exact same moment - literally 20 feet from where I sat writing - my neighbor was struggling with life and death. Im such a jackass.

For any of you guys who are the spiritual type, some prayers for my neighbor would be appreciated tonight.


1 comment:

  1. You are not a whiney child and it is more than a computer - it is your music and your memories. Any who know you know that taking your music away is like taking a piece of your soul.
    Yay Matt for getting that fixed so quickly!
    I hope Ellie is back home and I will include her in my prayers.
