Monday, February 8, 2010

Rub A Dub Dub

I have always had a passion for handmade gifts. In actuality, Im not particularly good at giving them. Afterall, that would take planning and forethought - two qualities I do not naturally possess. No, Im talking about receiving handmade gifts. The quirkier the gifts are, the better. I think it is the uniqueness of handmade items that draws my attention first. Its their natural faults that make them so desirable to me. And then, of course, there is the sentimental value of handmade gifts. Who can deny the appeal of a handmade gift made with love and intended for one person? For me, it really doenst get much better than that.

When I became a mom I entered the motherload of handmade gifts. Pictures and paintings. Christmas ornaments and painted rocks. Macaroni necklaces and handmade frames. All of these gifts I treasure like gold. Even though my boys dont particularly enjoy art or craft making, I adore having their wonderful goodies around me.

This year I received a gift from Seamus that I'd never received before. He made me soap! Apparently he chipped off pieces of regular bar soap and his teacher took the chips and made them into a larger, glycerine type soap. In the past, I have been known to buy similar styled soaps so when I opened this gift, I began using it immediately. You guys, that soap smelled SOOOOOO good. I dont know what they put it in, but the smell was divine. At first I began using it daily because I enjoyed the fragrance so much. But as the weeks went on and the bar became smaller and smaller, i began to fret that this one of a kind gift was almost gone. When the soap got to the size of the picture above, I decided to stop using it. Now I keep it in a bag in my nightstand and whenever I want to smell it I open up the bag and take a good whiff. It still smells awesome.

Happy Monday. :)

Happy Monday.