Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Where For Art Thou, Bookshelves?

"I will find you. No matter how long it takes. No matter how far. I will find you!"


  1. love the new banner.
    we both have such a strong longing for bookshelves!

  2. Tell me about it. The problem is I want them to fit perfectly into my home and Im not sure how thats going to happen. I'll just keep wishing... and hoping.. and longing.

  3. custom built. hire a handyman to create one. use cheap MDF. paint it yourself!

  4. Yeah, my sister said the same thing. But Im guessing that will take more money than I can spend. I keep thinking that custom built bookshelves will be more expensive than, say, Billy bookshelves at Ikea.

    But you have a point. If we had a handyman do it I could totally get what I want and it will work for my house. Time to save up I guess. :)
