Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Boys Will Be Boys

Back in the beginning of May, Miranda and my mom took the boys to the Renaissance Fair. Ive never been, but apparently it is great fun for anyone who is even remotely into castles, knights, dragons and sword playing. Uh... can we say my two boys? Finn went last year while Seamus had a baseball game. He dressed up in and old Halloween costume and had an absolute ball. This year both got to got to go. After 2.5 hours away, Seamus and Finn were dropped back home with smiles on their faces and weapons in their hands.

As can be expected, the boys immediately went to work on each other. Apparently they saw lots of cool sword fighting moves at the Ren Fair and were eager to dominate each other with their mad skills. The fighting didnt stop for a couple days. Along with a plastic sword Finn got a wooden shield so naturally he was stuck playing defense to Seamus' offensive, 4 foot wooden sword. It was hardly a fair fight, but for the most part the boys played good. There were a few tears here and there but no injuries and no blood. That is always a good thing.

By day two, Matt got in on the action. I think he might have initially engaged because Finn was getting pretty beat up. Finn wanted to stop far sooner than Seamus was ready, but given that Seamus is the big brother he muscled Finn into playing way beyond what he considered fun. I believe that Matt's original thought was to challenge Seamus as a means of allowing Finn a break. However, within seconds Matt was getting far too much enjoyment in his role playing. For anyone who doesnt know, Matt is totally into "castle, knights, dragons and sword playing" stuff too. The three of them (Finn ran right back into the fray once Dadoo joined) ran around the yard yielding their swords and attacking each other until the sun went down. Crazy boys!

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