I couldnt believe the news when I learned of Michael Jackson's untimely death yesterday. I was driving the boys home after playing in the pool when I realized that the radio had played two Jackson 5 songs in a row. I thought it was weird, but even stranger when I realized the station I was listenng to was 94.9. Their format is NOT Michael Jackson. I began to turn the channel and when my preset came upon NPR I heard the news.
I was suprised that I didnt feel conflicted by Michael Jackson's death. The MJ trial where he was accused of child molestation was difficult for me. Ive always loved MJ's songs, but after the trial I didnt feel right enjoying them like I always had. It was weird. I was upset with the accusations and also with the outcome once he was exonerated. I felt then and still feel now that MJ was probably doing things with children he should not have been doing. As a survivor of child molestation, my feelings on his personal life and his songs were difficult to reconcile.
That being said, when I heard yesterday that he was dead it blew my mind! I was so shocked and genuinely sad. Within the hour of his passing, I put on a few of his songs and when I heard his voice I almost began to cry. This totally surprised me, but I think what I have learned through this experience (or better yet, what has been re affirmed for me) is that music can bridge all hurt. Its a universal healer. Since hearing of MJ's death I have not been conflicted at all. Instead, I mourn the great musical talent his was.
In my house and heart, MJ will be remembered for his music. When I spoke to my kids about it yesterday I didnt mention the allegations and trial. I didnt feel it was necessary. Instead I mentioned that while he was not a normal man - a little on the freaky side - he was a real musical genius and I am grateful for the music he made. I hope his music will be his legacy.

BTW... I can do most of those moves in the Thriller video. Oh yes... I pride myself on that. :)
Happy Friday.
Hey Lisa,
ReplyDeletethis is a commercial for an insurance company here in my part of the states (I'm in Kentucky -- and I love that they show the U of L marching band in the commercial). Anyway, every time I see it, especially those opening vocals, it brings this big lump to my throat and my eyes get all misty. Every time. Thought you might enjoy it -- just another way that MJ's music lives on.
Audrey -Yes Ive seen that commercial. So gooooood! I think I saw that commercial for the first time while watching the Stanley Cup. The images of real people (the U of L with that father and his son; the vets coming home from the war; the runner collapsing) and the music had me captivated the first time I saw it. I teared up that first time and I definitely teared up right now hearing young Michael sing.
ReplyDeleteI love that song. I'm going to have to put it on now here at home.
Thanks for linking that.
Thank you for your beautiful post.
ReplyDeleteIt touched my heart...
Lisa, you know what's weird? I've been hit with the urge to cry about this off and on since he died. I guess it's a sadness for a life with so much talent and so much eccentricity... for the kids he left behind... for a definite part of my own growing up with his music.
ReplyDeleteStill very sad about it today. It's hard to think of anything else.