-we had SUCH a busy weekend and I didnt have my camera along for any of it. It was a strangely liberating feeling and yet i feel sad I dont have any pictures.
-kids are home today. Its a Monday. I must get them on a schedule for summer or we are in HUGE trouble.
-I am breaking out like a teenager - acne that almost looks like hives on my jaw line and on identical, symmetrical places between my nose and mouth. Jennifer says its hormonal. Its super embarrassing. Its worse than anything I had as a teenager. Nice that my 20 year reunion is coming up in a month.
- I just had to tell Finn for the second time in less than three minutes to clean his room. He's turning on the water works now. I just gave him a line that made me feel like my mom. I said "Finn, Im not interested in what you want to do. Im telling you to clean it now."
-Must go shopping at TJ's and grocery store soon. We're out of milk.
- Seamus is in his room for an hour. He a.) took something I told him 30 seconds before to leave alone b.) hid it in his room so I wouldnt find it and then c.) talked back to me and tried to shut the door of his room on my face when I was chastising him about it. Any advice on this particular incident is invited. I cant keep him in the room forever.
-Finn is now totally crying in his room in an effort not to clean it. (((sigh)))
-There are times (like now) when I truly feel I would love to throw away everything in my house and start over. The big and small stuff: things like the bright green duct tape sitting here next to me on the desk; the bar stools that are breaking; the big leather chair with all the cat scratch marks all over it; the cheap cowboy hats the kids won at the parish fair yesterday; the loads of random papers sitting on my counter. I think I would feel so much lighter with all of it gone - even the photos. Everything! Gone! POOF! Well... not the computers (where the photos are housed.) And not the kids' artwork. And not the books. Im sure there is more Id want to save - but not much.
((span of about 1:30 minutes has gone by))
- Seamus and I have talked about the stealing and disrespect. He was receptive and seemed sincerely sorry. Baby steps.
-Finn's room is clean. I had to help a bit.
- Ooooh Neil Diamond just came on the ipod! "Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show." This song is cracking me up and making me want to shake my ass a bit. Its got such a 70s beat to it. HA! I love the way the ipod can just shuffle around and pick out random songs from my music library. I havent heard this song in a billion years.
-Im getting the itch to get a bookshelves for the front rooms again. The boys have no more room for their books and I refuse to get rid of any. Im going to have to rearrange and get rid of furniture in order to accommodate shelves in our living/dining room area. Ugggh. Too much to deal with right now. We dont have the cash either. However, I dream about having a room like this one:

Ok... Im off to TJ's.
Happy Monday. :)
i totally feel your pain woman!
ReplyDeletei posted something similar on my blog today, although i didn't include my back talking, whining about not wanting to do anything but sit around & watch tv because school's out boys!
sometimes that subject totally takes me over - i wish there was a manual on how to deal with these things!
take heart, these days do go by so quickly!