Last Friday we had our first summer bonfire. It was overcast and a little chilly at first, but the night ended up fun as usual. The boys were looking forward to it for days and many of our good friends were able to join us. We always have our bonfires at Del Mar Beach on Camp Pendleton. The beach is very large but not very populated. There are lots of activities for the kids to do: the water, the jetty, the crabs, the playground. It was great to allow the boys some freedom with their friends without feeling constantly stressed about their safety.

The following day we drove up to Whittier to celebrate a special milestone with my extended family: Aiden's high school graduation. Aiden is the son of my cousin Rosalind and her husband Dean. He is the first great grandchild in my family and the first to graduate from high school. A bunch of family got together at Roz and Dean's house to celebrate and we had SUCH a great time. Roz and Dean always throw the best parties. Here is a pic of Aiden.

I have a pretty large family - one that I treasure very much. When I was young, we would get together with my aunts, uncles and cousins regularly. Now that we are all grown up with our own families, its rare that we are all in the same place at once. There are just too many of us to coordinate. That is why occasions like Aiden's graduation are so important to me. For big milestones and religious celebrations I can bet that most of my family will attend. Aiden's party was like that. There were lots of us there and it was a fantastic feeling to hang with people I love and watch our children play into the night. I wish we did it more often. Here are some more pics:

I love that last one of my nephew and his cousins. It makes me want to get together with all them again very soon.
Happy Thursday. :)
Have I told you how happy I am to be a part of this family?