We're rounding out of first full week of summer here in Casa de McGarvey. I must figure out a schedule for these kids soon or they will be happy to lounge around on the couch with their ds gameboys all day long. That cant happen. The problem is, Im not a "schedule person" myself. The planning involved in this kind of pursuit alludes me - or at the least, doesnt come naturally. I have to work at it. I fully realize a schedule is needed, though. I think I might pow wow with a few of my more organized friends (and siblings) and get some suggestions.
Yesterday Seamus and Finn lost all videogame privileges because of their nighttime shenanigans around bedtime. No videogames means no ds gameboys, no wii and no computer. Unplugged. This was no problem for Seamus. He likes videogames, but he doesnt need them. Seamus also had a date golfing with Papa for about four hours yesterday afternoon so his day was fully occupied. Finn, on the other hand, has quite an addiction. He loves his videogames. Its a problem actually and I have to monitor him constantly or he will play videogames all day long. However, Im happy to report he survived the day fantastically! I was very proud of him. He didnt even bug me too much about getting online or checking his ds. Hurray Finner! Activities Finn did instead of playing videogames: legos, playing in Seamusland, paper airplanes, reading. Nice. Below is a pic of Finner reading on the couch. Isnt it sooooo Norman Rockwell? I love it!

Fantasy Life:
I have been jonesing HARD for an outdoor fireplace. I know right? Totaly fantasy stuff. But man... if Matt and I could build one of these and make a small lounging area outside, life would be so wonderful! For those who dont know, we live in a very small house:1,200 square feet. It doesnt take many bodies to make you feel like the walls are closing in. The truth is, I like small houses and over the past several years I have come to peace with the fact that I will live and die in this small house. I dont need to add on. There was a time I thought it was necessary, but not now. There are so many things I adore about this place. Its my dream house in many ways.

That being said, our house is tiny - even for a family of four. We dont have air conditioning so it also gets very hot in the summer. It is extremely difficult to have people over given the natural constraints of our house. Having an outdoor fireplace is the beginning of expanding our house outdoors. The room we dont have indoors, we can create outdoors. We have the yard and we have good weather. Building an outdoor living space is the natural solution to living in a tiny house!

I have these fantasy images in my mind: my mother in law coming out and the three of us spending hours late at night talking in front of the fireplace. Friends coming over and us serving al fresco meals in the outdoors. My boys inviting their friends over for late night merriment in our back yard. Family gatherings at our house for a change.
Alas, we have no money and no skill in actually making an outdoor fireplace. I have the initiative to make it myself if I had a book or some plans telling me how. I hate to stress Matt out with my "fantasy life" but I honestly think that this is a really good idea. Dont you?
YES! I love the first picture- that is what I would want if my husband didn't already have a list a mile long of things that still need to get done at our house. You and your husband could totally build something! Go for it... ;)
ReplyDeleteShelley - I hear you on the list of mile high things to be done.
ReplyDeleteBut this one could be huge for us. I really believe that. I love that first image too. It actually looks like the yard of a neighbor around here, but I know its not.
I have a similar need, Lisa. We have an outdoor fireplace that's never been used because you can only really use it on top of a solid surface and we don't have any of those. So...I've been thinking of building a stone patio. As it turns out, there are good How To videos on You Tube and you can get supplies (pavers) for really cheap or even free on Craig's List....maybe you'd find the same is true for the fireplace! Go For It!
ReplyDelete-Kelly (Valentine) Johnsen
Found this on the web, maybe its something that can be achieved.
hope it helps.
My very first place after I moved out was an 8x35 trailer but it had a wonderful patio with a big fireplace. Not much good in the cold PA winter but it was a great summer place.
ReplyDeleteAnd now since we moved to a little house I know exactly what you are talking about - unfortunately for us we need an outdoor AC not a fireplace - We did put up a gazebo and added fans but it is even too hot for that right now.
As for your fireplace - Of course you can do it! The key is my Mom - she can do anything! or better yet she will convince you and Matt that you can do it. That is how I get into so many crazy things like changing out all the water pipes in the Lake Jackson house - Mom says oh yeah you can do it and then she googles how to and it always works out.
She even googled how to fix the fridge and it worked - cost me about $25 for some auto defrost thingamajiggy.
Im so grateful for the links and advice you guys. THANK YOU! It would be awesome to actually get this one started and finished this summer. Matt bought a used book online that looked very promising too. Yipee! I'll keep you all posted.
ReplyDeleteKris - I would LOVE to have this done BEFORE your mom gets here. But I understand what you're saying. Your mom is fearless when it comes to home improvement. She has that "of course it can be done" attitude. It must be the "builder" gene in the Ross family.
Lisa, before you do the project, check with the CIty to see if it is even permitted. Here we are allowed outdoor fireplaces now only if they use propane or natural gas because of air quality issues.
ReplyDeleteTracy K