I slept in today. I have been going to bed super late so its nice to get a few extra winks come morning. The boys are finally at an age where they can get up on their own and get ready for the day. I never thought we'd get to this point. Over the years, Ive heard lots of stories from my friends about their independently minded children. I have two friends who's children get up and make eggs for their siblings. I have another who has an 8 year old who will make his bed and brush his teeth first thing each morning. Most of my friends have kids that are quiet while their parents sleep. That has never been a reality for me and Matt until very recently. Im grateful. Little by little, my boys are finally growing up.
This morning, among constant "shhhhh-ing" sounds, I was awakened by music. Not a bad way to wake up had the song not been Twisted Sister's "We're Not Going To Take It." ha ha Im totally serious; that was the first thing I heard this morning. While it may be an odd choice for most people, it makes sense to me. Dee Snyder's teen anthem song is on the short list of "Seamus Favorites." To my sons' credit, the song wasnt blasting; it was playing at a respectably low decibel level. Seamus was singing the chorus with convincing fervor, though Im positive he doesnt really understand what the song is about.
Once Twisted Sister was over, the song was replaced by "Dont Stop Believing" by Journey. I have no idea how or why this song has become so popular with my kids. I should do a scrapbook page about it because it really is the song "de jour" for Seamus and many of his friends. If you gave him my ipod today and told him to play one song, he would choose this Journey song. Im pretty sure of it. Both boys will sing it from start to finish but Seamus, in particular, will sing it with feeling. Its pretty cute and humorous for me to see/hear.
The songs that followed Journey were as follows:
Greenday - Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Johnny Pearson -The Theme Song from Monday Night Football
Van Halen - Panama
Bon Jovi - Living on A Prayer
Bon Jovi - Dead or Alive
Clearly my kids have interesting tastes in music. While Im prideful of the Van Halen song, a couple of the others make me wince a bit. I wonder if this is how my dad felt when I was in my Duran Duran stage during 7th grade.
Oh well... at least they're listening to music. That is a blessing. I love that they roam through my ipod and play their favorites with freedom. It reminds me of when Jennifer and I were young and we would play my dad's records. I can only hope that the music will stay with Seamus and Finn like it has for me and Jen.
Happy Wednesday. :)
I think it's fantastic how your boys have such definite tastes in music. My girls have always been the same way as well, which I love, because my husband and I both love music. Music was the big connection I had with my own dad, so I love seeing that come out in my kiddos too.
ReplyDeleteAt least Eminem wasn't on their list...I've heard Finn singing that too!!!!