Monday, January 3, 2011

What I Like About You!

It's that time of the year again. This year, my wonderful wife is passing a big milestone (I won't say which one) and I think that has her a little bummed. In her honor, I wanted to list just a few of the things that I like (and love) about Lisa. Happy Birthday!!!

1. Lisa loves her family…always. She loves her friends almost as much! Put these together and you have one of the sweetest, loyal, genuine people I've ever met!
2. She makes the best popcorn in the world (Finn volunteered this one but I agree 100%).
3. Lisa loves to watch movie trailers on iTunes. She does this all the time. Very sweet.
4. She loves music more that pretty much anyone I've ever met. It always makes her happy!
5. She always messes up colloquialisms. I've heard things like "It's just a drop in the pan!" Love this!
6. Lisa has a potty mouth. She's gotten better, but still uses naughty words on a regular basis.
7. She loves Volkswagen Beetles. That was her first car (mine too), and she'd have one again in a hot second. Maybe next year babe!!
8. Lisa is almost never on time. Some might see this as a flaw, but I think it says a lot of good things about her.
9. In the Summer, Lisa almost NEVER wears shoes. Flip flops most of the time…bare feet the rest.
10. Speaking of Summer, she lives for it all year long. Lisa loves the heat and hanging at the pool. A real So Cal girl.
11. She has come to love the things that I do. If she went along with me for the ride, I'd be appreciative. But she genuinely has come to love things like Joshua Tree (my favorite place) and the Steelers. Sometimes I think she's come to love these things more than me…really!
12. Lisa is always cold…except when she's not (see #10).
13. She is extremely talented. She can draw and paint and design and take photos and play the piano (maybe next year honey!). Her handwriting is probably the coolest I've ever seen!
14. Lisa can cook. She told me she couldn't when we met, but she can really make some awesome dishes…especially her Mexican rice.
15. Lisa is proud of her heritage…all of it. She is a SoCal girl to the bone. She is Mexican…don't ever make the mistake of thinking she's not!
16. My lovely wife has the kindest heart in the world.

I could continue with this list for a long time. There are so many things I like (and love) about my wife. She has made my life amazing and wonderful!

Happy Birthday Lisa. I love you!!!


  1. awww!! what a birthday gift! :) <3
    And yeah right the list could go on and on. My mom and dad are soo like this! :D

  2. Thanks lovey! You are pretty awesome too.

  3. such a sweet post! her handwriting *is* the coolest! happy b-day list + best wishes for an amazing year!!! xo

  4. That is soooo super sweet. You are so right about all of it, too!!!



  5. Well said Matt. She even loves me, her mother-in-law, which is a rare thing. Love you lots, Lisa!!!

  6. Happy birthday, Lisa !

    I don't know you personally but I certainly agree with the part about you loving your family and friends and can vouch even more with the part about you being extremely talented with drawing, designing, etc. Love your handwriting and I love the way you write your life stories !

    Danielle in Canada

  7. Great post, Matt! I think she's pretty cool too. xoLeap

  8. ahh Matt! You are so right...that hits the nail on the head about Lisa!! We love you Lisa..Happy Belated Birthday!~~ Hope it was a wonderful day..and I need a good Spanish Rice forgot to mention her mean Margarita!!!
