Finn has been going on and on for days about getting a box for Halloween. When I pick him up from school he talks about the box. At night before bedtime, he talks about the box. As Im running errands, he goes on and on and on about what he wants to do to it and how big it has to be and why he wants to use markers instead of colored pencils and where he's going to put it in his room. On Wednesday of this week he informed me that if I get the box from the post office, it might be cheaper than at a store because the rates are from the government. Did I know the US government is in charge of the post office? Why yes, Finner. I did know that. Thank you. :)
Anyone who knows Finn understands that the kid never lets up when he has something on his mind. Never. He will talk your ear off day and night, barely breathing in between his words. He doenst understand non verbal cues very well so ignoring him doesnt stop his behavior. You actually have to say to him "Finn, I dont want to talk about this anymore" to make him stop and even then, he wont stop for long.
Now you might be guessing that this box is part of his Halloween costume, right? A reasonable person would assume that, but no. Its not. Apparently he wants to hide in the box and pop out - scaring his friends James, Jeremy and Ryan when they open their front door on Halloween. The box is merely a prop and has absolutely nothing to do with his Jango Fett costume.
Yeah. That's my Finn.
Every day and all week long he has talked my head off about this box. Yesterday after school we finally went and bought it.
He is overjoyed.
Happy Friday.
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