Thomas(ina) the Gecko Lizard died Monday, October 26, 2009.
He was six years old.
Thomas(ina) is survived by his owner Seamus McGarvey of Vista, CA and by relatives Matt, Finn and Lisa McGarvey.
He was purchased for Seamus by his father in 2003.
For years Thomas(ina) lived as a male in the male domniated McGarvey household.
In late 2006, he was discovered to be female.
Thomas(sina) enjoyed meal worms, nocturnal romps in his aquarium and hot temperatures.
He had recently been battling a fatal illness. His death was not sudden.
Services were held Monday in the McGarvey backyard.
May s/he rest in peace.
I'm sure it was a somber time at least for Seamus.
ReplyDeleteHeard he placed candles at the grave site.
Another one bites the dust? Is that really appropriate?
ReplyDeleteBabe... I always try to start the titles of my posts with song lyrics. It seemed to fit the topic. No?
ReplyDeleteBarb - Seamus was upset, but I think he was exaggerating some of what he was feeling. I think he was bummed, but he never really took care of Thomas nor did he go the extra mile once he got sick. I think Thomas was just another thing he owned and ultimately got bored with. Matt did all the work - not Seamus. Matt was responsible for Thomas - not Seamus. So from that perspective I have a hard time believing Seamus' grieving is genuine and not just him getting carried away with the situation. I beleive that Matt was more upset about it than Seamus.
ReplyDeleteI checked on Thomas yesterday when I got home around 12:30. I found him. We all knew he was sick. Matt and I both had been keeping an eye on the situation. But Shea was home for about 20 minutes and hadnt noticed Thomas was dead. He didnt run home and check even though we all knew it was coming. It wasnt until Matt came home and told him that all the drama ensued.
So yeah... the candles and stuff? The rosary? The tears? I mean, Im sure it was mildly upsetting, but the kid truly didnt care for that lizard. And if he did, he never showed it in his actions.
I wish I could make this entire thing a lesson for him about how he should treat his things and people; some lesson about how to appreciate what he has because its not always going to be there. Its so typical of him to treat his things and others so indifferently - so apathetically or even cruelly. He's the king of taking things for granted and not being appreciative and yet you cant get through to him that there is a thing wrong with him or that behavior. Its not him. Hell no. Its us. We're just always nagging him. ;)
I am deeply saddened by the News of Thomas' passing. Please know you all have my deepest sympathies.
ReplyDeleteThat said - I want you to write my obit when the time comes - I like the catchy inappropraite title. I also understand your frustration with Seamus but I think it is pretty much normal for his age - and I guess you could be thankful he didn't go into full mourning and have to take two or three days off school or anything.
Kris - Yep... you're right. It could have been bad. The way he was clinging to Matt and crying when Matt told him had me wondering how far would he go. Thankfully, he was back at school today. He hasnt mentioned Thomas once in 24 hours. :)
ReplyDeleteI was wondering why the Geicko Gecko hadn't shown up for work - clearly he is in transit to the services. My deepest sympathies in your time of mourning. Hopefully you were able to get him/her last rites. God Bless Thomas.