-we wake up super early; before 6am
-feeding the boys breakfast is a problem. They have no appetite in the am.
-Simple things like brushing teeth and picking clothes off the floor still require constant reminders from me.
-Seamus is not a morning person. He's super grumpy most mornings.
-Finn is a morning person and his good mood usually clashes with Seamus' bad one.
-I am not a morning person and spend my time reacting to my sons' shenanigans instead of planning ahead.
Mornings have been like this for years: turbulent. When a morning goes by that is calm and without battles, Im always surprised and appreciative.
Last year, Matt got to participate in our perennial morning production of "Hell on Earth" (aka:morning routine.) For the very first time in our children's academic lives, Matt's job was local and because there was no commute he was able to get ready with us in the mornings and even take Seamus to school each day. As can be expected, our mornings proved very difficult for him. Matt often left our house in a bad mood and/or late - a bad start for me as a stay at home mom, but an even more precarious beginning for a working professional. I didnt think our mornings could get worse, but with Matt in the mix they seemed to. Instead of two people upset in the mornings, it was three people. Instead of one person in tears over something, there were two or three. That one extra person was enough to really mess up what was already a problematic situation. Thankfully, Matt switched jobs this summer and that change forced him out of our morning routine. He now has to leave 45 minutes before us in order to get to work on time. Although I was a bummed to lose "my comrade in arms," I was also secretly happy he was able to get out and start his morning fresh without our daily havoc.

Even though Matt is not part of our mornings anymore, I believe his time with us last year has made him more sensitive to what I go through each day. He knows how hard it can be and he tries to help me when he's not around. For example: this year, Matt began the new routine of setting out the kids' clothes before he leaves. I can not tell you how much time and drama this one little act has saved me. What started out as a thoughtful act on my husband's part has now turned into a necessary, daily ritual. I depend on it like I depend on breakfast. Matt sometimes leaves before the kids wake up, but even when he's in a rush he'll make sure the boys' uniform, underwear and socks are set out for the start of a new day. I love it and I love him.
I hope your morning was a good one today. Mine wasnt (shocker!,) but Im already getting over it. :)
Happy Tuesday!
You can be sure this is happening all over the country - it is here in chicago (you know, where the olympics are not going to be in 2016!). I only have one 7 yr old boy who is not a morning person - and I work outside of the home. I never thought, until you mentioned it, that Dad gets to at least start his day on a better note, even if it is 2 hours before ours (he drives into the city). At least you have uniforms, that has to make it easier -one would think. But you can be sure I will hear it tonight, because my son Devin has Religous Education after school, we carpool with another family, but there is no RE on the first tuesday of each month. So, I sent him off this morning with his book and folder, telling him i would pick him and the friend up at the middle school - yes, I am going to hear about that! It's Communion year - RE is a must, and it should be every week, or every other week, how can i remember it all? Ok - sorry for rambling - your boys are adorable. I was just in ireland visiting family and my cousin's son is Finn - and i know a few Seamus' as well ! Thank you for sharing your thoughts - I do pop over to read your blog - yes, from work (I work for Canon!)Take care,
ReplyDeleteKarin Bowker
I fortunately only had one who didn't want to get up in the am, but believe me, that was enough!
ReplyDeleteOf course, I had two who really didn't want to go to school - that's a whole other discussion. Hang in there - it will get better!
Karin - You are so right. The uniforms save a ton of time and hassle. I didnt think of that. Its nice to know Im not alone. If I recall, mornings at my house (when I was a kid) were tight too. Im just hoping it doesnt get worse as they become older. When I became a teenager is when the mornings in our house became really hard. Picking out clothes; fixing my hair; trying to get in the shower before my siblings. I hope the boys dont do that to me or Im toast!
ReplyDeleteHe Barb. Pretty soon you get to come be a part of our wonderful mornings. (((said with extreme sarcasm)))
The mornings will be wonderful for me since I will be with you all.