Finn and Matt are at a cub scouts campout this weekend. They left Friday afternoon. Seamus is not a scout and we arent going to allow him to be. I know that sounds bad, but Seamus is involved in many different sports year round. Currently he is playing both soccer and flag football at the same time. It can be a scheduling nightmare and especially hard on Finn who doesnt play any sports, but is dragged along to all his brother's games and practices. You see, my youngest son is not a coordinated and/or athletic person. He has little interest in sports; they're just not Finn's thing. However, we wanted Finn to be involved in something, preferably something semi active that doesn't raise comparisons to his athletic, older brother. Cub scouts is perfect and it also allows Matt and Finn some one on one time too.
Today on the way back from the store, Seamus said to me:
"You know, I kind of miss Finn. Its sort of boring without him around."
Put that one in the history books, people! Seamus actually misses his brother. Awwwwwww!
Happy Saturday.
Amazing isn't it? Guess you could do legos with him! Hope you two have a great evening together.