My mother in law, Barb, is back in town for a couple weeks. We've planned a trip to Joshua Tree soon so she flew out to join us. I cant wait to go. The boys were thrilled to see her when we picked them up from school. Within minutes of being home, Seamus had Barb doing all sorts of things. She was out playing ball with him for a bit yesterday afternoon and even convinced her to go watch his soccer practice - all 2 hours worth. Arent grandma's the best. :)

While Seamus and Dama Shan were kicking around the ball, Finn busied himself with paper airplanes. Im going to have to write a post on that soon. Finn is so into them lately. You should see all the planes he makes.
Im off to walk with friends this morning. Exercise is a good thing, right? Im trying... I really am.
Happy Friday, Peeps.
I hope I'm out kickin' when I'm a grandma. Go Dama Shan!!!