Aaahh. There is so much I could write. Since Matt is 39 years old today, Im going to list 39 things I love about him.
1. Matt has a very kind heart and his eyes are really sparkly when he smiles.
2. Matt recently lost a ton of weight and was so committed to this effort. His resolve on stuff like that is so admirable. I wish I had a tenth of his will power. If he sets a goal, he works hard to meet it every time. He amazes me that way.
3. He loves his sons. He is forgiving of them in ways that Im not so good at.
4. He watches Glee with me each week.
5. Matt is seriously smart. I find his brain really attractive.
6. Matt can argue circles around me, but often lets me win because the fall out of us disagreeing feels worse than the pleasure of him winning.
7. He tells me he loves me multiple times a day. This fact really stunned when we started seeing each other. Matt doenst hold back on "I love yous."
8. He does all our family laundry because he knows I hate it.
9. He has always helped out around the house - cleaning, cooking, sewing. He doesnt have a macho bone in his body.
10. His hands are always warm.
11. I love his legs. WOWZA. Thank you Uncle Orlo for passing on the great leg gene. Matts legs are awesome!
12. Upon coming home from work, he always finds me and gives me a kiss. Ditto for the morning.
13. He never criticizes what I make for dinner. I have never heard him say "Eww. That was gross." Never. If he dislikes anything I make, I never know about it.
14. He's an absolutely committed father to our sons.
15.Matt LOVES his mother like no other man Ive ever known. He talks to her everyday and is absolutely devoted to her. I love what that says about him.
16. He recently bought me two pair of shoes that were way more than we could afford because he thought I deserved it. Im wearing a pair right now. I love them!
17. He does a strikingly authentic impression of Chewbacca.
18. When Matt dances, he swivels his hips in the most adorable way. Matt dances to his own beat.
19. Matt slipped right into my family upon us hooking up and getting married. My family is pretty large and pretty nutty. I believe they can be overwhelming, but Matt knew family was important to me. He is just as committed to them as I am. Whenever we have some function to attend, he doesnt complain. He doesnt whine or make me feel bad. In fact, I think he enjoys seeing everyone as much as I do.
20. He's a tireless worker. The guy inherited a serious work ethic from both his dad and mom's side. Matt does not rest. He stays busy and constructive most of his days - even on the weekends.
21. Matt used to go to mass with us every Sunday for several years before he was Catholic. It was important to him that we worship as a family, regardless of the fact that he wasnt actually Catholic.
22. Matt has an sentimental/emotional streak. Ive seen him cry in random movies and in tv shows. He doesnt think this makes him weak or less of a man. He wears his heart on his sleeve, always.
23. Matt is a patriot and has served his country well.
24. I love that Matt will rub my feet and back often. He doesnt usually stop until I say something. He's very giving that way.
25. Matt is always active with the boys and their various functions. He's part of the soccer carpool. He's the assistant cub scout leader. He goes to all the various sports games. He attends school plays and functions. He takes off work early to attend parent/teacher conferences. He's always there to support our boys in what they do.
26. Matt cleans the cat litter often. Actually, he's done it more than I have I think. He loves that "puto" cat.
27. Matt drags me kicking and screaming into the technological world. If it weren't for him, I wouldnt have an ipod, the internet, TIVO, etc. I resisted all those items for so long. Matt is also the fixer of all things technological. If there is a computer prob, he's on it. I just ask once and he's got it fixed.
28. Matt has introduced me to so many wonderful things for which I am grateful: Joshua Tree, Pennsylvania, Steeler football, pizza pockets, his mom's spaghetti and meatballs. The list goes on and on.
29. When the four of us are going someplace, Matt always lets me drive because I often get car sick in the car. He doesnt mind sitting shotgun in the minivan.
30. Matt does the best and biggest canonballs of anyone I know.
31. When Matt goes out to the grocery store, he'll often bring me back a treat: a monster, some hubba bubba gum. He's always sweet and considerate like that.
32. Matt is a baker. He loves making pies and bread and cookies. Once for Christmas he made figgy pudding for the family just because he thought it would be fun. He's fearless in the kitchen.
33. Matt is an outstanding example of a faithful, supportive, loving husband to our boys. I am positive that they are getting the best type of role model they could ever have in that department.
34. Matt is a thoughtful godparent to three children! He has more godchildren than I do and to be honest, he's a much better example of God's faithfulness than I am.
35. Matt always locks up the house each night. We call it: securing the perimeter. When I hear bumps in the night or get freaked out about something, he'll always get up and check it out. There has never been a time when he said "Lisa... its 2am. You're crazy. GO TO BED!"
36. He puts up with all my craziness. I am not an easy person to be married to. I have an irrational streak. I have crazy PMS. I tend to internalize things and then blow for no reason. He compliments me so well. When Im being nuts, he is sane. When Im angry, he's calm. He's the yang to my yin.
37. Matt makes the best puffin muffins in the world.
38. Matt is always striving to be a better father to our sons. He is constantly working on being the best dad he can be. We both have faults where parenting is concerned. But unlike me, Matt keeps his faults in the front of his mind and he sets goals to do better.
39. Matt really did make a miracle happen in thawing my cold, calloused heart. I was never a big dater before meeting him. Guys kind of scared me. I hadnt met many that impressed me. Matt blew my mind the instant I met him. He is the best thing that ever happened to me. Seriously.
Happy birthday, Matt. I love you, muchisimo!
hold onto him tight Lisa....he sounds like a keeper. this list was so incredibly sweet of you to take the time to put together. i'd bet it made his eyes sparkle even more when smiling after reading this. you're a lucky girl.
ReplyDeleteThank you honey. I'm the lucky one!
ReplyDeleteawww.....you seem perfect for each other.
I just read through and cried!
ReplyDeleteThis was unbelievably sweet and you can tell how much you love each other. xoxo