I saw this image this morning at Apartment Therapy and was stunned at how similar the layout of this room was to Matt's childhood bedroom back in Eau Claire, Pennsylvania. Im dying over those slanted roofs. What are those called? The first time I saw Matt's room it was set up exactly like this one: a simple antique bed under the window; two nightstands on either side. Matt's room even had an attic access in the exact same place as this room.
When I see this picture, I think sanctuary. Its so small and cozy. Its so streamlined and devoid of clutter. The color palette isnt really my thing. Im not a neutral girl - I need more pattern and color, but still... Isnt it lovely? I think one of the reasons I was drawn to this picture is because my own room is the complete opposite of this one. It is quite literally a storage room. The walls are bare and unpainted. Its dusty. There are pieces of furniture/boxes/clothes/books piled up in every corner and on every flat surface. To say I hate our room is an understatement. Its really embarrassing.
So why am I writing about it here? Cant say. Im feeling like I should delete the whole post, actaully. Maybe this is a new years resolution in the making??? Now there's a thought. Hmmmmmmm.
On to other news: I have some shopping and a few last minute projects to finish up before Christmas. I dont have much time. Are you suprised?
Procrastinators unite!
Ive got a mango/berry smoothy calling my name this morning. Gotta jet.
Happy Wednesday.
You made me a little homesick for that room!