I got a sickie home today.
Last night Seamus was complaining of a headache, mild sore throat and overall fatigue. He told me he felt "blah." He's not really a complainer, but he has been known to fudge his symptoms in order to avoid going to school. I put him in Finn's room so that he was closer to us in the night and he promptly fell asleep. No fever. No cough. No chills.
This morning, when he got out of the shower, he again complained of a headache and fatigue. Im pretty sure this isnt the flu. It could be his medicine. It could be that he's just worn out from a very chaotic weekend. I figured it couldnt hurt to plop him on the couch and let him rest the day away. We all need days like that from time to time, dont we?
So there he rests, alone on the couch. The tv remote close and a quilt snuggly tucked around him.
Im going to get some cleaning done today. Our house needs it badly.
Happy Monday.
I have Allie home with the same exact symptoms. No fever either just fatigue, sore throat, headache, stuffy nose. Must be something going around. Of course at 15 she would KILL me if I put took a picture of her. Gotta' love boys. Hope he feels better soon!