A few weeks ago the LEGO Christmas catalog came in the mail. Its not a thick catalog, but those 40 pages of LEGO happiness have brought out the enthusiast in my sons. Seamus and Finn are LEGO fanatics and checking out the new and exclusive collections has them absolutely giddy with joy. Finn in particular is smitten. For several days in a row, I found the catalog with him in bed. Apparently he would look through the catalog at night and write notes of his favorites for potential Christmas/birthday gifts.

note: his list has changed and been amended about three times since this list was written.
The catalog has likewise clocked in some miles in the minivan. For several days it was located in the back seats among the stale french fries and forgotten happy meal toys. On the way to school, the boys would debate who's picks were the best. Surprisingly, they were attracted to different types of collections. Seamus leaned towards the expensive Star Wars legos while Finn picked and plucked among many smaller collections. Sometimes the discussions got quite heated and I had to take the catalog away for the remainder of our ride.
These days the catalog is dangerously close to meeting its maker in the recycling bin. Some of the inner pages have fallen out. The edges are worn and dog eared. Some are slightly torn with use, but the kids wont let me throw it out! Ive tried to discard it a couple times but have given up. The boys always sense when the catalog is near death and they rescue it from our trash. Oh well. I suppose its a good reference for Christmas gifts - not that I need it. If I hear about the Fiery Legend item 6751 on page 28 one more time I might just scream. ;)
Edited at 10:42: photos of the kids playing LEGOS this morning. Im telling you, they love those things!

Happy Monday.
hee. my boys are the same. =)