Finn is such a quiet trooper. This fall he went to all of Seamus' soccer games, except one. He got up at 5:45 to drive out to Chula Vista for an early game. He went to the Lake Elsinore and Murietta games. Heck, he even did a couple all day tournaments. Yes... he complained a bit, but wouldnt you? Instead of spending Saturday and Sunday playing with his friends or doing something he wanted to do, he was dragged along with us to support his brother playing soccer. Im confident Seamus would not have done the same for him- at least not without many arguments and tantrums.
Because of his selfless and resilient nature, Matt and I decided to have a bonfire/slumber party just for Finn. We rented a cottage at the beach and planned an impromptu get together with him and his friends in mind. Four of his classmates from St. Francis came to the bonfire as did his best friends the Huelsman and Hilder boys. We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. The boys ran around on the beach until way past sundown. Finn and the Huelsman brothers stayed up till almost 11pm and slept together on air mattresses in the front room of the cottage. Unfortuantely, I was so busy keeping an eye on everyone and everything that I didnt get many pictures. That really bums me out. The photos I did take (and honestly there are less than 12) are all blurry because it was near nightfall and my camera doenst take good photos in low light. However, I did get a few shots of the boys this morning. I was just leaving the parking lot after turning in the keys to the cottage when I thought "Dude... I am going to get a couple pictures, even if they're not of the actual bonfire or slumber party. "
I think Finn and the boys had a good time. I know I did.
Call me crazy, but I cant wait to do something like this again. Matt is probably shaking his head thinking Im nuts, but I dont care. I thoroughly enjoyed playing host to Finn and his friends for the day. It wasnt easy and it wasnt cheap, but for me it was absolutely worth it.

Happy Wednesday.
Looks like everyone had a great time. Wish I could have been there!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great party and great pictures! Wish we were all there.