1. This morning, Seamus got up, took a shower and made his bed without any direction or coaxing from me. That, my friends, is not an everyday occurrence. He really amazed me this morning. I mean, I dont even make my bed everyday. What in the world got him up on such a responsible path? It really make me think that its a damn shame I can't tap into his head and see what is going on in there; whats motivating him. Maybe if I knew, I could nurture that "whatever it is" and help make it a regular pattern in his life. Regardless, I love seeing this responsible young man coming into view. I love how hard he tries. He's amazing.
2. My layout of Finn's basketball season went up at two peas. Im not loving it. I mean, its cool I got the memory and the pictures down, but its not really working for me. Honestly, its been hard for me to scrap the past several months to a year. I just dont need it like i used to. I feel like my life has evolved over the past couple years and scrapbooking isnt a priority anymore. It used to be. I remember those days when I needed it so much. It was my sanity. But its not like that anymore. The whole thing has me feeling kind of weird. Like Im holding on to something that I need to cut loose. Gosh... even saying that makes me nervous. Anyway, you can see the layout at twopeasinabucket.com or here.

3. As Im writing I can hear a wood pecker out side going to town on the telephone pole. How does his head not split open. Amazing.
4. I am not yet convinced I want to go on my walk this morning. Ive got about 30 minutes to make up my mind before its too late. I'll probably enjoy it, but I'll have to shower afterwards and thats kind of a pain - especially when I already took a shower this morning. I didnt go at all last week so I probably should today. Decisions, decisions. What to do?
5. Im going to leave you with a picture of my goofy babies. They really arent babies anymore. I probably shouldnt call them that. I mean, Seamus is a pre-adolescent for crying out loud. Watching them grow is so bittersweet for me at times. Somedays it is seriously mindblowing that my boys are 11 and 9. Like, where did the last 10 years go? TEN YEARS! That kind of time doenst just slip away does it? It reminds me of that Ferris Bueller quote: "Life moves pretty fast. If you dont stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." The thing is, I feel like Ive looked around a lot. Ive been here all along - up to my neck in it at times. But sometimes its pretty difficult to see where we are and wonder where the days and hours have gone. So strange. I wonder if the next 10 years will go as fast. I'll have teenagers in the next 10 years. Boys with facial and underarm hair. Boys with deep voices. Boys with indepdence and cell phones and cars. I imagine those years wont fly like the younger years have, but I could be wrong. Im wrong a lot. Life never ceases to make an ass out of me.

I think Im going to go on my walk this morning. Gotta jet.
Happy Monday. :)
I feel the same way about scrapping... I always love your layouts- I will sure miss them if you stop...
ReplyDeleteLisa ~
ReplyDeleteReading you blog is a real joy - I can totally relate! My 8 yr. old son is growing so fast, but thats what they do, those darn kids! And they'll ALWAYS be our babies, and I remind Devin of it often!
I for one would miss if you stopped scrapbooking, as you are a HUGE insporation to this mom of a boy - huge. As much as I love working with the paper and working on actual pages, I am starting to go a little more digital. I see it as a big trend as the options become more available.
Your boys are adorable - I know you'll keep taking pics of them. Can I ask what lens you used for the last pic, sneaky grass pic?
And one more thing - that gym Finn had for basketball - um - pretty cool gym with the windows, and it has a vintage feel to it. I had nasty gym lights which i was able to compensate for, mostly - but then there were doors opposite the bleachers with windows which was hard to shoot around. I'm so glad baseball is starting up! Hope you had a great walk - don't trip over the wood pecker who split his head open!
Enjoy every day of their growing up and then the rally great reward is someday grandchildren!! This is what keeps all parents going. You are doing a great job with the boys, and they will both be great young men!!!