Our plans for New Years Eve ended up getting canceled at the last minute so Matt and i created a new tradition for our family. The night ended up being way cooler than we imagined. This layout is journal intensive, but I really wanted to get down all the events of our new years together. The photo was taken with the timer. I always forget how to use that feature on my camera, but I usually end up really liking the pictures taken. I probably like them because the photos show the four of us and the image usually reflects our normal everyday life. The photos are far from perfect nor are they set up to seem ideal. Its real life, pure and simple. In this pic, we're in our jammies. Not all of us are in focus and Seamus is barely in the frame. The actual crop of the photo is lacking artistically and the lighting is not ideal. But its us, you know? I really like that. I think I need to use the timer on my camera more often.

This page was to document the adorable pictures I took of the boys and the cousins on NYE.

Happy Friday.
great layouts Lisa...I wish I could get my scrapbooking mojo back!