photo: Seamus playing in the backyard 1/7/10
Its Monday.
My house is a mess.
Im currently kind of sweaty and stinky.
I have lots to do.
Im feeling GOOOOOOOOD! Here's why.
-Its sunny and warm today. Not hot, just warm and beautiful and clear. I could see the ocean from my drive way this morning. Its THAT clear.
-I went for a walk about an hour ago. That felt great! Can I just say something without sounding like Im gloating: I love where I live. I do! Vista is a great town and I love my wacky, little neighborhood. I love how the houses are all laid into the hills. I love how the streets meander and curve with no rhyme or reason. I love that when I walked past the school down the street I saw my nephew Eli running around the playground in his red shirt. Finn has this thing where he sometimes gets anxious that we're going to move. I dont know why he thinks that. We've never spoken about moving - not even casually. In any case, in order to reassure him I often say "Babe... Im never moving. Im going to be an old woman in that house. I love our house!" Today as I was walking around our neighborhood I thought to myself "Dude... I am damn lucky to live where I do. I love it here. I love my neighborhood!"
-Im going back to Weight Watchers today. Its got to be done. Im feeling like I can do this. Im feeling inspired.
-I can hear two hawks outside my door calling out to each other. Seamus can imitate the sound they make perfectly.
-Matt is making his mom's spaghetti tonight and it smells FANTASTICO! Its going to be hard not to pig out on it tonight.
Hmmm... what else? I dont know. Just feeling lucky today, I guess.
Happy Monday.
awww....i love reading your blog! always gloat about loving where you are - in the world and in your life - your happiness makes others happy - and it made me smile at the end of my day. its up to 25 degrees here today - and it feels warm (scary, right?) gotta love chicago. enjoy the dinner - start counting points tomorrow!