Recognize these? They're bakugan and they are my kids' favorite things to collect these days. Bakugan toys come in a ball shape form but when you put them on a magnetic card, they pop out into figurines. Finn is so passionate about these little toys that I initiated a reward system where he can earn one for every neat, "O" (as in outstanding) test grade he receives. Let me tell ya, the O's are flying in. Seamus and Finn didnt happen upon bakugan on their own. I blame Nathan Whitney for this latest craze. ;) He's the one who got the kids interested in this stuff. They didnt have a clue about bakugan before Nathan showed them his toys last Spring. God, was it only in the Spring? I feel like this current phase has been going on forever. My boys were definitely interested after playing with Nathan, but didnt go ballistic for bakugan until they saw the tv shows. After that, they were hooked. Oh yes... there are two seasons worth of shows on hulu.com if you're wondering. Yessiree, gotta love those marketing gods over at Cartoon Network.

I will admit: the figurines are kind of neat. I guess you're actually supposed to play a game with the bakugan toys, but my kids dont know how nor do they care. They just like to collect the figurines. Lately, theyve been super excited about the traps- whatever that means. And just a few nights ago, they brought all their bakugan out and set them open on top of the card just for show. It was like a bakugan parade on my window sill.
Boys are so weird.
Happy Tuesday.
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