One hour isnt even close to enough time.
When I post something on this blog, I revise and revise and revise. I revise in my head as Im actually writing and then once or twice or three times after Im done writing.
Then once Ive pushed "publish post" I go back and revise again. Seriously. I do.
I know... you cant tell, can you? Well, darn it, Im working on that! ;)
Sometimes when I want to post something but I dont have the time, I will will myself not to revise. It is so hard. I did that with Seamus' birthday post. I posted once (revised in my head a wee bit while I was writing) and then I published it never to look back. That is what I have to do - I have to will myself not to look back. Its painful. I want to revise but instead I need to let it go and move forward.
That reminds me, I heard a quote recently and I liked it so much I wrote it down. It said "Dont let perfection get in the way of progress." I like that!
You see, with me I will very often let perfection get in the way of progress. And believe me, I am by no means a perfectionist. Pul-ease. I am not the A type. I wish I had some A type in me. Alas... I dont. But sometimes I'll get stuck wanting something a certain way and I refuse to accept anything else. Let me think of some instances...
-Pictures. Sometimes if Im setting up a photo with the boys I will not stop (even if they are annoyed and not happy with me) until I get a shot I want. I have learned to stop doing that because the feeling I have afterwards makes me feel crummy. Even if the picture is good, I cant enjoy it because all I can think of is how mean I became trying to obtain it.
-Men. OMG... yes. Men! I was not a big dater before Matt. Nope. I was super picky and I didnt settle foranything less than what I wanted. I remember in high school being pressured once to "go out" with this guy that I didnt like. I knew I didnt like him in a boyfriend type way. Im not even sure I liked him as a friend, to be honest. But I went out with him for about a week because everyone knew he liked me and my friends were egging me on to do it. So I did and it sucked. I felt like a fraud. I was annoyed and bored. I almost immediately regretted it. My first kiss ended up being with this guy. Stolen. He stole my first kiss! What a huge price to pay for a mistake! I honest to God didnt want to kiss him either, but it was night and I was dropping him off and before I knew it he was all over my face. It was super gross and I was instantly pissed. I practically kicked him out of my car. In fact, I was so mad at myself that on the way home from "the kiss"" I honked the horn and slammed the steering wheel with disgust until I got out of his neighborhood. The next time I saw him I said it was over.
-Scrapbooking. The pages I do (especially my earlier ones) take HOURS to do. I used to be really bad. I would go to a 5 hour crop and come home with 2 pages done. Seriously. Perfection over progress.
And that leads me to the page I have to share:

This page took about 20 minutes; not hours. :)
Looks like my hour is up. Gotta jet.
Not revising; just posting.
Happy Friday, everyone.
this page looks exactly like my son's bedroom floor. 9-almost-10-year-old boys are such random creatures, aren't they?
ReplyDeleteYou are a gifted writer, Lisa. I always enjoy your words. Do you approach the journaling on your pages as carefully? If so, I could definitely take lessons from you. My journaling is always the very last step and most times by then I am ready to move on bc the fun part for me is over. the design. :) -Shell
ReplyDeletelisa this page is pure magic-you might not even think of it as much at all, but what a great idea. those cards! they are going to LOVE seeing those in ten years, twenty years. jeez, do i need to scrapbook again?