The image was shown to pimp out the food, but i coudlnt get past that gorgeous looking piano. Wow.
I have always had a thing about the piano.
-I took piano lessons for a few years. I cant remember how many now - but it was more than a few. Mrs Williams and Mr. Crocker were my teachers. At first I really loved it. My mom would make me practice everyday. But towards the end it became more of a chore than something I enjoyed so I stopped.
- After taking piano lessons, I would play "air piano" to the music at church. They usually sang the same 30+songs and I knew them all by heart. However, I had never played any of them on a real piano. In church, I would wait for the hymn to start and then I play it by ear on the pew in front of me. I did this until my junior or senior year in high school. Once I became an upperclassman, I took a typing class. Instead of playing the air piano to the church hymns, I would air type what the priest was saying.
-I am very instantly drawn to artists and music where the piano is dominant. Elton John, Ben Folds, Rufus Wainwright, Tori Amos, David Gray, Bruce Hornsby, Coldplay. I love hearing those piano melodies. They suck me in.
-I would like to have a piano in our house someday. I know its a crazy idea considering our home is so small. There is absolutely no room for it... but a girl can dream right?
-I grew up with a piano in our house. I think it might have belonged to one of our relatives originally?? Im not sure why I think that - probably something I heard as a kid. The piano was very modest looking and the color of blonde wood. Im sure I played it more than anyone else in our family. When my parents built their house in the 1990s, the piano disappeared. I have no idea where the it went, nor have I asked. I think Im afraid to know the answer. I breaks my heart to think it was given away to goodwill or something.
- One New Years Eve back in the early 90s I attended a party at Sally Struthers house in LA. I was with Kira and Linnea. Ms. Struthers wasnt there, but there were a handlful of us who were. Dont ask me how this all came about. I honestly cant remember to save my life. What I do remember is Sally Struthers had a big, black, shiny grand piano in her house. It was beautiful. When I saw it I gasped - it was that beautiful. Sometime during the evening, this bald, 30 something guy sat down at the piano and started playing songs by heart. The songs werent anything I recognized, nor were they sing along tunes. Instead they were long, melancholy melodies that seemed to roll out of this man and take over the room. I remember watching him play. He was totally into the music - tuning out everything and everyone else in the room. I had been introduced to this guy earlier in the party and he didnt strike me as anything fantastic, but when he sat down at the piano and began to play he suddenly became the most interesting man in the whole house. I was mesmerized by him and highly attracted. I remember trying to talk to him after he played, but he was totally not interested. Picture it: me following around this much older man trying to engage him in any kind of conversation. It was very pathetic. I thought about that guy for weeks after the party. The way he played that piano was captivating to me.
For some reason I am really choked up over this enrty. It's such a sweet memory of the piano and then to be captivated by a "piano man" at a party. It was all touching. I LOVE this blog.