Recently I was reminded that not everyone's fridge is like my own. I cant recall the specific situation, but it involved someone seeing our fridge and saying something along the lines of "OMG. That is a mess!" Ummm, yeah. I guess it is, though Ive never thought of it that way. Interestingly enough, I wasnt really offended by the remark. The truth is, I like my fridge and Im very confident about how it looks. I woudlnt have it any other way. However, it did make me think: some people actually like a nice, orderly fridge. Or better yet, some people dont like anything on their fridge at all. To each his own, I say. You say potato and I say pa-tah-to. Its all good.
Here is the play by play of my fridge. I love it.
A. Valentine magnet made by Finn last year in 1st grade. I eat this kind of stuff up. It will be up there until it falls off the magnet.
B. Picture of Grandma Nena and Seamus at Disneyland. I was pregnant with Finn when this pic was taken. Grandma just turned 85 yesterday.
C. One of my favorite pictures ever. This is of Matt's best friend, Joe, and my best friend Linnea. It was taken at our wedding shower. Linnea had just blindfolded Joe and upon finishing she swatted him a couple times with a fly swatter. Joe was enjoying it and had this huge sh** eating grin on his face. Its a wonderful memory for me. Seeing this picture always brings a big smile to my face.
D. There are two things here: a small envie holding a snippet of Elijah's hair. It was taken from his first hair cut. The other is a paint swatch from Lowes. On the front of the swatch is a picture of a bedroom; the paint chips are on the back. I have it showing the picture because I LONG for my bedroom to look like it some day. Very simple. Very plain and serene. Clean. Fat chance that happening. HA!
E. One of many mangets. My sister Miranda gave me this one and I pointed it out cause its pretty funny. Its of this 50s looking mom and her kids and it reads "Who are these kids and why do they keep calling me mom?" Cracks me up.
F. List of phone numbers, including my own cell phone number, which I havent got memorized.
G. Notes written by Finn and Seamus that say "I love you, Mama." I save all this stuff. Getting notes like this is becoming increasingly rare these days.
H. You mean everyone doesnt have an old 2007 Padres baseball schedule on their fridge? Well... sucks to be them, eh?
I. An essay Seamus wrote about our Mexico holiday last summer. He wrote this in his first week of school this year. I was so surprised and happy to see him writing essays that it went straight up on the fridge.
J. My friend Tina sends out handmade Valentine cards every year. Such a good idea! I took that picture of her and her family on the front .
K. A "gold slip" earned by Seamus last year. Last year at Beaumont the teachers would give out gold slips each month to good students. Seamus earned this one for "making good choices." God, I wish he would do that more often.
L. This is an autographed baseball card addressed to Seamus and signed by Bruce Bochy. My brother in law, Barry, got it for Seamus. We were sooooo excited by this at the time. Now Bruce Bochy manages the Giants. Damn those Padres. They never keep anyone for long.
M. Cluster of pictures: one of Matt's parents on our wedding day; me and my oldest friends at the Moonlight Amphitheater; Matt and I leaving the church after being married.
N. Caelan Noblit- our great niece.
O. Another old sports schedule - this time the Steelers. I like the graphics, ok. I know the schedule is over and done, but I like seeing it up there. Is there anything wrong with that? Stop. Dont answer that.
P. These are two magnets - one of Finn and the other for the pizza place we order from here in town.
Q. More pictures of babies - these two are Alison Abercromby and Gabriela Noivo.
R. Pictures of Kim, Mike and Michael Noblit with Seamus. Kim passed away a few years ago so I like seeing her everyday on my fridge.
S. A hand drawn picture of our family - by Seamus. I think he might have drawn this several years ago - perhaps in 1st or 2nd grade.
T. A magnet of my favorite quote "Be the change you want to see in the world" - Gandhi. Love it!
U. Another hand made craft by Finn. This one is a butterfly made from tissue paper, yarn balls and a clothes pin. It had a magnet on it so it sticks to the fridge. I love this kind of thing: hand made lovin' from my boys.
V. Photographs of our neice and nephew : Sam and Michael Noblit.
I love looking at your fridge when I am there. Mine has pictures (not as many as you), but it is so great to see them everyday as I'm working around. They remind me of what a great family I have.