This past weekend, Finn celebrated a milestone in his Catholic faith: he participated in his First Reconciliation. For those of you who are scratching your heads wondering what Im talking about, reconciliation is when Catholics confess their sins to God. Its a lead up sacrament to Holy Communion. For many individuals, confession is pretty lame. I have spoken to MUCHO people - Catholics and non Catholics - who think reconciliation is an antiquated and unnecessary tradition. They dont feel a middle man is needed to convey their misdeeds to God and I totally get that. I actually believe that too. Others get nothing out of the act of speaking to a priest about things they struggle with and/or topics that bring out their worst side. Its understandable. Personally, Ive always enjoyed confession. I realize this makes me pretty weird, but I swear its the truth. I dont go often and I actually went more than 15 years without confessing, but its not because I hate it. Its because Im lazy and I dont feel its absolutely necessary for my spiritual growth.
Going for the first time can be really scary for a little kid. It was for Finn. On the way to the church, he peppered me with questions. When did he have to say the act of contrition - at the beginning or the end? Would the priest yell at him? Which sins were serious enough to confess and which werent? I told him he could talk about anything that made him feel bad and that no matter what it would be fine. Finn gave me an anguished look and then he began to cry. He lamented that he didnt know what to say and that he was terribly afraid. I did my best to soothe him and let him know it was going to be fine, but Finn tends to be a bit dramatic. He was sobbing. I decided this was a perfect time to tell him the story of my first reconciliation. I too was afraid when I had to confess for the first time. Every kid is! I went into the booth and said a couple sins, but after I was done the priest wanted more. After each thing I said, the priest would say in a leading tone "and...???" but I didnt have anything else to say. It became very still and quiet in the booth... awkward. Thats when it happened: before I knew what I was doing I lied (in the confessional!) and told him I pushed my sister off a roller coaster. I didnt understand it at the time, but that stopped him from asking for more. He gave me my penance and a blessing and I walked out of there a clean and satisfied 2nd grader.
Finn pulled himself together before I dropped him off at the meeting point. When it was time for him to confess to Father Mike, he did great! He was very quick and solemn looking and I even snuck a few pictures of him during his confession. I wish I could say the tears stopped in the car, but Id be lying. Finn got upset again at the end of the service, but it wasnt because of anything the priest did. It was because the entire service ran long - 1.5 hours. Finn was grumpy and mad by the end. Thankfully, Grandma and Tia took him to Burger King afterward and that seemed to cheer him up.
Congratulations Finner!
I am so proud of both of the boys - they are doing so well with their teachings. We all could learn a thing or two from them. (Makes us realize that we have sins we should confess that are far greater than any of theirs.)