Here are the highlights:
- Spent the morning at the school office. Was constantly interrupted and never really got anything totally done. Thats a crappy feeling. Im going to have to go back tomorrow just to finish up the hot lunch. They do it all by hand and its my job to double check it each month. Its not a computerized process and it takes FOREVER.
- Finn got sick today. Right as I got down to the nurse's office, Finn came in crying and upset. He said his tummy hurt. I had the feeling it might be gas or constipation and when I asked him to go to the bathroom he couldnt. We left early from school and I called the doctor and got a spot for later in the day. Sure enough, it was constipation. I kind of felt stupid going to the doctor and paying a $20 co pay for him to tell me its constipation, so I decided it was a great time to discuss the wart on Finn's finger and the possibility of him having allergies. The doctor prescribed duck tape for the wart and a nose spray for the allergies. Perfect.
- I had to take Seamus out of school also, but not before I heard from his teacher that his behavior has been horrible this week. Apparently he ran up the aisle of church today and has been annoyingly hitting people like a 4 year old. Ugggh. Matt believes he has this one under control. After dinner today, he talked to Seamus and I was not part of that convo. I dont know what was said to Shea or what the plan is but Matt was very confident that progress will be made. He strode by me in the kitchen and said "I got it. I got him." O-kaaaay. Its all you, Dadoo. Bless that man of mine. I love it when he swoops in and saves me. I honestly was kind of at a loss for what to do.
-The doctor appt. threw me out of my normal Thursdsay grind and I ended up forgetting Seamus' baseball practice. We were a half an hour late. Whoops.
-I put too much hair product in my hair today and it was feeling very dull and heavy. Dont you hate when that happens?
- Speaking of hair, I spoke to Jennifer about grey hairs this evening. I love talking to my sisters. Im being totally serious. When I get a random call from either one of them, it makes me feel very loved and accepted. I know that sounds dorky. I dont know how to adequately describe how the phone calls make me feel. Suffice it to say, its good. Im very good with 30 second phone calls. Im good with 2 minute phone calls. Its like we're friends, not just sisters. Its like we enjoy each other beyond being family.
-Confirmed with another Jennifer that I'll be seeing her this weekend. A couple of us are going to to Linnea's to spend the weekend. Im excited to chill with my peeps. I need to remember to take my camera.
-I spoke to my friend Erin and she told me about the new Trader Joe's in Carlsbad. Since our doctor's office is out that way I decided to drop by on the way home. Seamus was soooooo mad that I stopped. He ordered me to go home, but I went to TJs anyway. Gooooo Mama! When we left the store, there was a guy outside with a table that said "Sign up to overturn prop 8." I walked right up to him and said "Where do I sign." We spoke for a while and he told me that he appreciated me stopping. Apparently he had gotten a lot of really hostile people today - calling him names and telling him he was going to hell. Poor guy. I bought a few buttons- many I had wanted for a long time.
This button is for Tara and this picture is dedicated to a wonderful lady in Texas... recently relocated. Love you:)

I started this post at 9:11 and its now 9:41. Im going to bed.
Good night sweet prince.
"Fantasy kids", remember? I'm just glad Matt is helping you with all of this. He should have learned some things from his life growing up with his "Seamus Sister". Just go and enjoy a much deserved weekend with your friends. The boys will be fine.
ReplyDeleteLove you
im sorry your thursday sucked but my heart is warmed by your cute smile and that button. im glad you stopped.