My scraproom is really small and located in our unattached garage. I actually have to walk through the garage to get there. I once went into my scraproom late at night and a mouse ran over my foot before I got there. Another time, I was walking through in the morning and there was a dead rat laying in my path. I realize this is all waaaay too much information but Im trying to get you to understand how scared to death I was when I walked into my room and suddenly there was a flurry of unexpected activity. My heart dropped. I thought for a moment that maybe there was a big animal in there. Like a skunk. Or a possum. Ive thought of that a lot of times and for a second I thought "OMG. The possum is here. Oh SH**!"
But it wasnt any of those things. It was a bird.

Seeing the bird brought out all my maternal instincts. Instead of being scared or mad (as I was with the mouse and rat) my first thought was to find a way to get the poor thing safely out. I tried luring him out with birdseed and chirping at him. None of it worked. Duh. After many unsuccessful attempts I gave up. I seemed to frighten him more than help him. The birdie was going to have to figure it out on his own, so I sat back on our back porch stoop and waited.
The strangest thing happened after I had given up. The bird seemed to calm down. He sat on my scrap crap and looked out at me - chirping. It was so bizarre. It was like he was trying to say something to me, but I of course dont speak "bird." Then after a couple minutes, he flew away - right out the window that I had opened 20 minutes earlier. Isnt that nutty?

lisa! this happens in our house almost MONTHLY and it freaks me out because i am scared of birdies. always a little baby sparrow thats lost. tara