Three boys rule my life. Matt, Seamus and Finn. In one way or another, my entire world revolves around them. When I step out of the everyday and really reflect on that fact, it seems totally unreal to me. I never in a million years thought my life would be shared with three boys. Never. In fact, during my youth and right up to meeting Matt I would have bet a hefty amount of money on the impossibility of that ever happening.
I grew up in a female dominated household. I grew up with sisters and girlfriends and female cousins. I grew up with aunts. Heck... even our pets were girls. In my early twenties, I sadly contemplated the possibility that I might never get married. My dating life was sporadic at best; awkward at worst. I wasnt happy with this revelation of singledom but it seemed depressingly believable. My life might be spent single but Id be in the company of my family and friends - most of them females. I thought I could live with that.
It honestly never occurred to me that I might live my life surrounded by dick.
Craziness I tell you. Total insantiy. But heaven in a strange way.
My boys are "all boy." They are dirty and messy. They dont pick things off the floor unless asked. I have to remind them to use soap when they bathe. My boys are rough with each other - in actions and in words. They are totally clueless and inattentive to others around them. I still have to instruct them to greet people when they meet family or friends. They are active and always in motion. They are prone to accidents. Ive been to both the principal's office and the ER far too many times for my taste.
And yet I love my boys - warts and all. And I cant imagine my life any other way.
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