When I arrived there was a surprise for me. Tina had this birthday gift waiting with my name on it:

Isnt it beautiful? I squealed with delight when I saw it. I adore the patterns and colors she used. They're so fun and bright. I love the quirky squares. She even quilted my name in it. Its soooooo perfect. I absolutely ADORE it! I have such a giddy love for quilts but I dont make them. I can't afford another expensive, time consuming hobby. Tina loves quilts too and she CAN make them. She's quite a talent. Her mother is a quilter and passed on the tradition to Tina. You should see all the beautiful quilts the two of them have made collectively. Its enough to make me salivate with envy.
This quilt is all mine. Its gotten a lot of use in the last 5 days. Im so lucky.
I absolutely love that quilt...it looks like a quilt that right up you ally!! Great job Tina...can I have one?