I sent this picture to my sister and mother a couple months ago. My mom frequently updates her iphone with pictures of her grandchildren and when she does she'll email me asking for photos. I sent this picture along with maybe 10 others to her and my sister Jennifer. Within days they both came up to me separately to tell me how much it freaked them out.
"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" my sister accused.
"He looks like a teenager! What did you do to him?" my mom asked.
I didn't do anything, other than capture his soul. ;)
Anyone who has spent time with my son KNOWS that he has always believed himself older than his birth date. He can give off attitude that rivals a teenage girl. Seriously. Its the truth. Lately (and when I say "lately" I mean the past 2 or 3 years) he has been waaaaay "too cool for school." He rolls his eyes or looks upward in mocked boredom when being lectured. He talks back in exasperated, irritable tones. He sighs heavily when told something he doesnt want to do. Ick. Yuk. Yuckity yuk yuk.
Im soooooo not ready for this stage. But hey...that's my boy. That's Seamus, at least for the time being.
God give me strength.
Ok I haven't been keeping up every day so I have a few to catch up on but Oh My God - Icompletely understand why they freaked out - that can't be our little Seamus!