My disposition is such that I dont often want what others have. I think Im lucky that way. The "green eyed monster" doesnt really visit me much. With the exception of a week or so each month, Im a pretty contended person. I can clearly see the many blessings in my life. Blessings: even the word sounds lovely, doenst it? My favorite kind of blessings are the unsolicited kind: things that bring me happiness, yet I did nothing to deserve them. I didnt cultivate or lobby for these gifts. I didnt work hard for them or beg for them. They just happened.
For example:
About 2-5 times a day Finn tells me Im the "best mama ever." He usually does it while hugging me or hanging on to me. God bless that child of mine. He's 8 years old and I should think at this point he might not be so eager to shower me with kind words. But he does it anyway and with such enthusiasm! Its terribly sweet and my heart just gushes over every time he says it. Anyone who knows me can tell you I am far from being the "best mama ever." I am soooo flawed; in fact I never knew how flawed I was until I became a mother. How about that for irony? But gosh darnit, I am so grateful each and every time Finn tells me how great he thinks I am. When you hear something kind like that everyday, it make an impact. It gives me a an extra spring in my step. It makes me want to give above what is needed or expected. At the very least, it makes me feel very loved. I have no doubt that Finn loves me and that makes us very good together.
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