This past few days have been really great.
1. We were productive all Sunday and got lots of little things done around the house and yard. Grocery shopping - check. Lawn mowed - check. Big school project completed - check.
2. Matt and I got solo time with the kids. I know it sounds elementary, but we dont usually pair off with each kid individually. Its either all four of us doing stuff together or Matt or I alone with both boys. Making time to hang out and focus on one child always leaves me feeling very contented as a parent. Its a wonder Matt and I dont do it more often.
3. On Saturday morning, Finn and Matt hiked over 5 miles with Finn's cub scout troop. Finn does not normally enjoy exerting himself on long, hot hikes but Matt said he had a fantastic time. He didnt complain and was able to spend time with his school friends Timmy and Philip.
4. While Matt and Finn hiked, Seamus and I patrolled the neighborhood for garage sales. I do not enjoy garage sales, but Seamus LOVES to find cool, unique nick knacks at low prices. Normally we like to go antiquing together, but on Saturday morning we hit up a few local yard sales instead. Seamus bought an old replica radio for $15 and has been listening to 103.7 every night.
5.Seamus' soccer team won their game on Saturday afternoon. Dama and Papa came out to watch at the new sports park.
6. Finn got a playdate at our house with his good friends James, Jeremy, Ryan and Eric. He was in heaven. When Tina and Kim came by to pick up the kids, we adults spent an hour or so drinking margaritas while the kids played. Now that is how to spend an afternoon.
Today Matt was home from work. USMC gets Columbus Day off so I skipped my normal volunteer hours at St. Francis and spent he day with him. We went to the movies and saw "Let Me In." It was surprisingly good; scary, but good.
I hope Tuesday is as good as the past several days have been.
Happy Monday. :)
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