For the first year ever, Seamus and Finn carved their pumpkins without any help from me. They didnt even ask for it. I bought the pumpkins, set out some knives and watched them go to work. I wasnt expecting them to not need me. It came as a surprise. Usually they will want me to help draw stuff on their pumpkins or carve out something that is particularly hard for them to manage. This year I felt like a fly on the wall. It was like I wasnt even there; not needed in the least. At first, my impulse was to ask them if they needed help -a passive aggressive way of thrusting myself into the action. But then I thought better. I opted to sit down on the steps and enjoy their independence. It didnt feel natural at all and it wasnt easy for me either. I had to make myself sit there - watching without being involved.
I must say, though, their pumpkins turned out really special this year. Very unique - different than in years past. Their own personalities really seemed to shine though in their design, which was cool.
Happy Friday.
I experienced the same thing last night. We got each kid a small pumpkin to go to town with - they each had a blast coming up with their own designs and I loved how each was so unique.