Monday, June 14, 2010


Summer is days away. I cannot wait! Im so ready to sleep in and have days full of nothing but leisure and fun. This past weekend, our last before summer, was pretty full. Typical weekend for the McGarveys. Here are the cliff notes:

1. Beach Bonfire. The Huelsmans and Joe met up with us at the beach for our first bonfire of the season. We entertain many bonfires once summer hits, but this particular one was a long way coming. We usually begin our bonfires in May, but this year has been unseasonably cold so we pushed the date back several times. Finn has been DYING to get to the beach with his friends so after tons of harassing, we finally set the date for Friday, June 11 come rain or shine. When Friday finally came, it looked like we were going to have crappy weather. It was cold and cloudy here in Vista, however the closer we got to the beach the sunnier it got. That never happens and we were all pleasantly surprised.

2. World Cup. On Saturday we attended a World Cup party at my cousins, Nicole and Fab's, house. USA v England played at 11:30 and they graciously hosted my extended family for the game. Fab is from Brazil and he is a HUGE soccer fan. It was neat watching the game with him. It was also cool to see all the younger cousins running around together. I unfortunately did not get any pictures of this get together, but we had a great time.

3. Visit from PapAl and Kathy. Matt's dad and his girlfriend/lifelong partner Kathy flew into town from Florida for a family emergency. While they were here, they were able to sneak in a quick visit with us at our home. We had dinner and got to make a fire in the backyard. It was a nice end to a long couple of days.

I gotta jet.
Happy Monday.

1 comment:

  1. What a full weekend! I'm so glad you captured the moment babe.
