Seamus had a big social studies project due today. He and his partner Josh had to make a 3-D example of the lost city of Atlantis. They'd been working on it for weeks - both in class and at home. Normally, we would be running all of the place trying to get the last minute details done on a project as big as this one, but this weekend was stress free. Seamus and Josh turned in the project early - 7 days ago! Josh is a good student and I think his attitude towards academics rubbed off positively on Seamus. God bless, Josh! I also think the fact that Josh got to come over on the weekend to work on the project might have jump started Seamus' drive to excel. If I could motivate Seamus to care about his grades by having a friend over every weekend, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Im not sure Matt would agree with me, but it sounds good to me.
Happy Monday.
Great they got it done early. I learned that "whatever works" is the way to go!!!