I added Seamus' playlist to the margin this morning. I love that he has a collection of songs he knows by heart and loves to hear. Shea's playlist is on my ipod and on the computer so he can access it whenever he wants. I believe the first song we put on his playlist was "Sweet Emotion" by Aerosmith. When Seamus began playing soccer, we used to listen to it on the way to his games in order to pump him up. That was 5 years ago! Many other songs have been added to Sweet Emotion over the years. We have accumulated his playlist over time. As a song comes into his favor, I add it. Here is a run down of some of his favorites.
If You Want Blood - ACDC. This is probably my favorite ACDC song and Ive passed down my love for it to Seamus. He knows all the words and gets very excited over the chorus.
Blitzkreig Bop - The Ramones. "Hey ho... Lets go!" The chorus on this song gets very loud at times.
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen. Who doesnt love this song? Recently Seamus' teacher played this song during class and Seamus was super excited because he recognized it and knew most of the words. ha ha
We're Not Gonna Take It - Twisted Sister. Seamus is into this online community called Club Penguin. One day he and his friend Ryan were watching videos of the penguins moving around to this song. They got such a kick out of it and were laughing and bobbing their heads to the music. Later that day, Seamus asked me if I knew the song and if I could buy it for him. It was the first (and hopefully not the last) time he ever asked me to buy him a song.
Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day & Fly Away - Lenny Kravitz. These two songs were added last summer after Seamus participated in Rock Camp. He learned to play the drums to these two songs. The picture above was taken while he drummed along to Fly Away.
While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Eric Clapton. This is originally a Beatles song, but the version on Seamus' play list is from the Concert For George cd and is done entirely by Eric Clapton. Im a huge Eric Clapton and Beatles fan so this cd got a lot of play when it first came into my possession. I used to play this song a lot cause I love the guitars on it and I guess some of it rubbed off on Seamus cause he too loves this song.
Hells Bells - ACDC. When Trevor Hoffman was with the Padres ((sniff sniff)) they would play Hells Bells before he entered the field to pitch. Seamus has been going to Padres regularly his entire life so he recognized and enjoyed this song from an early age. When he was in the first grade he realized that this song was a real song and not one that was only heard at Padres games. From that point on, he would often ask me to play it in the car or for his friends. I think this was his first, favorite song.
I'll try to put the links to the songs as soon as I have more time.
Quite an impressive song list. I've seen the Ramone's in concert 7 times. Not bragging, just a lot younger and more energetic once upon a time. But I have to admit, it is a great selection of tunes, Seamus. Your Mom is teaching you well! Ya'll need to come visit us in Houston one of these days! Enjoy your blog and pics. Have a good week.