These next pictures are from Easter. We did lots of the normal stuff this year: easter egg hunt, golden eggs, lamb, ham, jello salad. Other things were different: no confetti eggs and no homerun derby. I actually searched all over the place for those damn confetti eggs. They were no where to be bought and I wasnt going to make them. The Masters golf tourney was on tv so the men spent the day watching golf. No home run derby for any of them. In fact, the only guy I saw stray away from the tv was Barry. He would watch the little kids outside occassionally in order to prevent kids from falling out of the treehouse. The ladies spent the day catching up and eating. Typical Easter stuff.
One different thing I noticed this year was that the kids seemed to play really well together. I dont recall any fighting going on and most of the time all the kids played together as a group. There werent many separations in age. Gabby and Abbey stayed inside of course. They're babies. But there rest of the kids played as a group throughout the day. At one point I went outside to check on everyone and all the kids were playing hide and go seek. Boy did that bring me back to my childhood. My cousins and I used to spend hours playing with each other on holidays. Its neat to see the second generation do the same.

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