Im trying to make the most of our Spring Break so consequently we've been doing some out of the ordinary activities. I am not one of those moms who likes to be out and about all the time. Hell to the no. That aint me. The boys' extra curricular activities keep me very busy most days so the down time I get is spent at home. However... its Spring Break and we all know the first thing the teachers ask when the kids come back is "What did you all do on your Spring Break." I'll be damned if my kids' answer "Nothing."
Tuesday, April 14: Balboa Park and the Body Works Exhibit at the Natural History Museum.

I can not say enough positive things about this exhibit. It was amazing! My only regret is that I couldnt spend more time there really looking a everything more closely. Science is totally not my thing, but seeing the real muscular tissue and organs of the donor bodies was freaking amazing. Some items I found fascinating: an artificial hip; a pacemaker; a liver with cirrhosis. I mean, really people. These are things I never thought Id ever see in person, but I did and it was rad! I saw real life ovaries with tumors in them. I saw what cancer looked like in the liver. I saw the black lungs of a coal miner. I saw an enlarged heart with repaired arteries. Im telling you, it was mind blowing! They had this one section that was all about the female reproductive system and it had fetuses from 2 weeks to 30 weeks. It blew my mind. They had a pregnant donor body - at five months. You could see the baby in the donor's uterus. I had no idea everything was so jam packed in there, and yet everything had its place. No doubt it was divinely created. I found the whole exhibt to be totally and completely awesome. Im soooo happy we got to see it.
Since the exhibit was housed in the Natural History Museum, the boys and I hung around a bit afterward. They had this neat exhibit on water that the boys enjoyed. And then there were the fossils and interactive stuff. Seamus was loving life. It was a good day.

Wednesday, April 15: DisneylandYeah, that's right. I said Disneyland.

Going to Disneyland was not my idea. Those of you who know me will have guessed that already. It was my mom's idea. She LOVES Disneyland. When my mom suggested taking not only my kids but the Pawelek kids as well, I was not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Although Disneyland is totally not my thing, I had to admit that spending the day with the kids and my mom at "the happiest place on earth" was an event I was unwilling to pass up.
It was a good day. When we started out this morning, I was dreading the days' events. Seamus woke up in a foul mood. The boys were totally out of control on the drive up to Disneyland. It was cold outside. But all of that changed as the day progressed. The park was crowded today, but not too crowded. Ive been to Disneyland when its
really crowded and Ive come to recognize that if I can get on a ride in less than 20 minutes, it aint that bad. The weather was brisk, but sunny. And you know... that was near perfect. There isnt a lot of shade at Disneyland and when you're walking all over the park for hours at a time, it can get hot in a hurry. Today was not hot. I believe the temperature was in the mid to high 60s most of the time and normally that would be entirely too cold for me. But today it wasnt. It felt great. We got to go on a good amount of rides too: Pirates of the Caribbean, The Haunted Mansion, Autopia and Space Mountain to name a few. The kids werent too whiney. For the most part they were in a good mood. We even saw Mickey and Minnie as we were leaving the park. That doesnt happen without a line but there they were - standing together at the entrance signing autographs. I should have gotten a picture, but we were on the way out and Mom needed to get home.
Although I feel very tired at this point, I must confess that Disney today was a success. Thank you, Mom.
These next two pictures are for Jennifer. She wasnt able to go today and while I told her Id take pictures, I barely did. I think it was just too much to take pictures and manage the kids in the crowds. Barry did excellent, btw. He was fantastic with the kids. And look... he dressed Abbey super cute too.