Finn at Mom and Dad's pool - 8.18.11
Yesterday I randomly saw my cousin, Mike, surfing at the beach in Carlsbad. Both Mike and his brother, Jeff, were taught to surf at a young age by my Uncle Tom. Now its part of their lives. They surf whenever they can - often, daily. I envy that. I envy having an activity that's good for me, communes with nature and allows me some solo time. After I picked up Dad from his treatment this morning, I told him how Id seen Mike and shared how seeing him made me wish Id asked him earlier in the summer to teach Seamus and Finn to surf. Dad remarked "Its a little late for that now." He's right in one respect: its literally the last days of summer for us. My boys will be up to their ears in school in just a few days.
I couldnt shake the feeling of wanting alone, meditative time - preferably doing something that is good for the body. If I crave that kind of outlet, surely my sons would too, right? Surely, they would benefit from that kind of activity later in life. At the pool this afternoon, watching how much the boys love being in the water, my thoughts drifted back to surfing again. I told the boys how I wish I had asked Mike to teach them to surf and Seamus replied:
"Ive never really wanted to learn to surf."I ignored him and continued on:
"Yeah... but there's something really peaceful and centering about being alone, out in the vast ocean with the waves rocking you gently."Seamus started at me blankly, clearly confused by my persistence. Then Finn piped in with dead pan response:
"You lost me at alone."
Oh my God, did he give me a good laugh when he said that. I laughed out loud and generously for about 15 seconds.
Finn hates being alone.
Totally get where you are coming from. My boys love the pool so we started on swim team. It's a pretty low-key group and meets weekly during the school year and daily in the Summer. Best thing we've done. No surfing available here, but this gets them in the water and gets them some good exercise. Bonus for my oldest boy is that he doesn't need to be alone either...good combo of alone time and teamwork. And boy do they leave the pool relaxed. I need to start doing it.