Tonight I discovered pinterest.com - a place where you can compile and catalog all the neat things you find on the internet. The catagorization comes in the form of "boards." Once you find something you like, you can "pin" it to your board. Pretty cool, eh? One of my boards at pinterest is called Latin Love. I love Mexican style and culture and now I have a place to save all the images that remind me of Mexico.
While I was finding images to "pin" I decided to Google "Arandas, Jalisco, Mexico." For six months back in 1994, I lived in Arandas - a tiny "pueblito" in the high plains of Jalisco. I was 23 years old but I felt aimless and confused. I had recently graduated from UCSB with a BA in pre-law, but I honestly didnt have a clue what I wanted in life. I knew I didnt want to stick around and live with my parents forever, so I quit my job, sold my car and used the money to live in Mexico. It was one of the scariest things Ive ever done but it was also one of the happiest times in my whole life.
Arandas is located deep in the heart of Mexico. I didnt pick that location arbitrarily. My good friend Lorena had family in Arandas and they agreed to let me stay with them, free of rent, as long as I helped out around their facility. Lorena's aunt was a nun and the facility she ran was a convalescent home for sick and often indigent seniors. For six months I lived with four nuns and helped care for the elderly of that community.
The first couple months were really hard. I cried a lot and missed my family and friends terribly. There were definitely difficulties living in Arandas. I couldnt speak Spanish when I arrived and the nuns didnt speak English. Communication was very frustrating at first. The nuns didnt have a washing machine on the premises. I had to wash my clothes by hand on a rock basin outside. I was lucky to have a shower adjacent to my room, but the water wasnt always warm and it came out like it was flowing from a hose. There were no movie theaters or shopping malls in Arandas. We didnt have a car and instead walked everywhere for the items we needed. It was a very rural area tucked away from the rest of the world - total culture shock.
For the most part, I adopted the routines of the nuns. I changed bed linens when the elderly soiled themselves. I served meals to the seniors who were bedridden. I swept and mopped the front porch every day. I helped do the laundry and washed the dishes after every meal. In addition to the work, there were also religious implications. For six months I went to church every single morning and prayed the rosary twice a day. It was a total lifestyle change. There were definitely periods of loneliness and I was terrified of what I was doing, but during that period of my life I experienced profound growth and clarity. I learned so much about myself and was extremely happy the latter part of my stay. When I returned home, I knew exactly what I wanted in life. I had developed confidence I never knew I had.
Living the life of a nun (even if you arent one) allows a lot of time to pray. Although I was raised Catholic, the level of spiritual devotion displayed by the nuns was new for me. The church pictured above was the place I attended mass daily. Everyday I said the same prayer during the service: "Please, Lord. If it is your will, let me be worthy to meet a good man to love and raise a family with." I prayed this invocation EVERY SINGLE DAY - the same appeal for six months. Nine months after I returned home, I met my husband Matt. It was a totally random introduction and I truly believe that fateful timing was key in us finding each other. One night during those first few days of dating, Matt asked me on the phone if I knew the origin and meaning of my name. I told him I didnt and that it was just a name my mother liked. He shared, among other things, that his name was Hebrew for "gift from God." I was genuinely stunned upon hearing these words. In that moment I knew with everything in me that God meant Matt for me. It was as if he was saying "Lisa, this gift - the one you prayed for - is for you."
Tonight, when I saw that picture above, tears came to my eyes. I havent seen that church in many years, but there is no doubt that God heard me in that holy place.
Happy Saturday.
You brought tears to my eyes - again!Then I wondered if Matt ever told you the origin of your name and did a quick search. This is what I found Lisa is short for Elisabeth which means "God's promise" - how perfect you two are together : )
ReplyDeleteThanks for looking that up, Kris. I knew my name was derived from Elizabeth but never heard of the "God's promise" part. Awwww. Very cool.
ReplyDeleteWow Lisa- great story, thanks for sharing it! :)
ReplyDeleteYour job as a future mother is to learn the god's ways and to help your child understand despite the negative reinforcement and conditioning of today's society. Without consciousous parents the child will have no hope, and may even exaserbate their disfavor by becoming corrupted in today's environment.
ReplyDeleteYour ultimate goal is to fix your relationship wiith the gods and move on. You don't want to be comfortable here, and the changes in Western society in the last 100 years has achieved just that.
1000 years with Jesus is the consolation prize. Don't be deceived into thinking that is the goal.
The gods tempt people for which they are most weak. Artificial Intelligence will create desire in people's minds for the following sins:::
1. Alcohol
2. Drugs
3. Preditory "earning"
4. Homosexuality
5. Gambling
6. Something for nothing/irresponsibility (xtianity)
7. Polygamy/superiority over women/misogyny (Islam)
Much like the other prophets Mohhamed (polygamy/superiority over women/misogyny) and Jesus (forgiveness/savior), the gods use me for temptation as well. In today's modern society they feel people are most weak for popular culture/sensationalism, and the clues date back to WorldWarII and Unit731:TSUSHOGO, the Chinese Holocaust.
It has been discussed that, similar to the Matrix concept, the gods will offer a REAL "Second Coming of Christ", while the "fake" Second Coming will come at the end and follow New Testiment scripture and their xtian positioning. I may be that real Second Coming.
What I teach is the god's true way. It is what is expected of people, and only those who follow this truth will be eligible to ascend into heaven as children in a future life. They offered this event because the masses have just enough time to work on and fix their relationship with the gods and ascend, to move and grow past Planet Earth, before the obligatory xtian "consolation prize" of "1000 years with Jesus on Earth" begins.
The Prince of Darkness, battling the gods over the souls of the Damned.
It is the gods who have created this environment and led people into Damnation with temptation. The god's positioning proves they work to prevent people's understanding.
How often is xtian dogma wrong? Expect it is about the Lucifer issue as well.
The fallen god, fighting for justice for the disfavored, banished to Earth as the fallen angel?
I believe much as the Noah's Flood event, the end of the world will be initiated by revelry among the people. It will be positioned to be sanctioned by the gods and led for "1000 years with Jesus on Earth".
In light of modern developments this can entail many pleasures:::Medicine "cures" aging, the "manufacture" of incredible beauty via cloning as sex slaves, free (synthetic) cocaine, etc.
Somewhere during the 1000 years the party will start to "die off", literally. Only those who maintain chaste, pure lifestyles, resisting these temptations, will survive the 1000 years. Condemned to experience another epoch of planet's history for their ignorant pursuit of xtianity, they will be the candidates used to (re)colonize (the next) Planet Earth, condemned to relive the misery experienced by the peasantry during history due to their failure to ascend into heaven before the Apocalypse.
Never forget:::It is not a house of Jesus.
If this concept of Lucifer is true another role of this individual may be to initiate disfavor and temptation among this new poulation, the proverbial "apple" of this Garden of Eden. A crucial figure in the history of any planet, he begins the process of deterioration and decay that leads civilizations to where Planet Earth remains today.
Which one is it? Probably both:::
One transitions into the other, allowing the gods to wash their hands of obligation to their Chosen One.
You are faced with a lifetime to work and prepare for your next chance. Too many will waste this time working, etc.