Monday, February 21, 2011

Guess Where We Went Today?

Matt and the boys had the day off for President's Day so we decided to head up to one of our favorite family places: Palomar Mountain. Its been raining off and on for the past few days and with the higher altitude and colder temperatures, Palomar Mountain was white with snow. We dusted off some cold weather gear, grabbed the sleds and headed up to the mountains. Here are a few snapshots of our day.

Seamus enjoyed throwing snowballs at everyone - including me. As I was taking pictures, he hit me dead on two times! In the following series of photographs, Matt defended me with a barrage of flying snowballs. Seamus loved it. When I showed him these pictures tonight, he insisted he was trying to catch the snowballs. HA! He didnt have a chance at catching those snowballs. They were coming too fast!

While we drove up the mountain, Finn remarked several times how the snow reminded him of his cousin, Eli. Finn recently traveled to Wisconsin to visit Eli and the rest of the Pawelek crew. While there, my sister Jennifer bought him the coat pictured in these pictures. She intended to keep the jacket in Wisconsin for her own son's future use, but Finn became very attached to it and convinced her to let him take it home. When Matt brought the jacket out this morning, Finn lit up. He loves that jacket! Matt and I think he looks like Han Solo in Empire Strikes Back.

Matt grew up in Western Pennsylvania so he knows plenty about snow fun. Over the years, he's shared with the boys how to make a proper snowman and how to dig a snow fort. He knows what sleds are good and he can tell which type of snow is best for certain activities. Most importantly, Matt can annihilate an opponent in a snowball fight. He's pretty darn accurate and in the following pictures he was killing the boys with snowballs. They were loving every minute of it.

About three years ago, we bought sleds for the boys. Now some of you might think that buying sleds was a total waste of money. After all, we live in San Diego County where its often warm and/or sunny. What many people dont understand about Southern California is that it offers its residents the best of both worlds. Our family lives 10 minutes from the beach, but we also live 1.5 hours from the mountains. In the wintertime, we can experience snow (even ski and snowboard,) but at the end of the day we can return home where the weather is temperate. The sleds we bought the kids a few years ago come out every single winter. So far, they havent outgrown the thrill of sledding. I hope they never do.

Ok... tomorrow its back to the grind. I gotta make lunches and get the kids ready for school.

Happy Monday.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Answered Prayers

Tonight I discovered - a place where you can compile and catalog all the neat things you find on the internet. The catagorization comes in the form of "boards." Once you find something you like, you can "pin" it to your board. Pretty cool, eh? One of my boards at pinterest is called Latin Love. I love Mexican style and culture and now I have a place to save all the images that remind me of Mexico.

While I was finding images to "pin" I decided to Google "Arandas, Jalisco, Mexico." For six months back in 1994, I lived in Arandas - a tiny "pueblito" in the high plains of Jalisco. I was 23 years old but I felt aimless and confused. I had recently graduated from UCSB with a BA in pre-law, but I honestly didnt have a clue what I wanted in life. I knew I didnt want to stick around and live with my parents forever, so I quit my job, sold my car and used the money to live in Mexico. It was one of the scariest things Ive ever done but it was also one of the happiest times in my whole life.

Arandas is located deep in the heart of Mexico. I didnt pick that location arbitrarily. My good friend Lorena had family in Arandas and they agreed to let me stay with them, free of rent, as long as I helped out around their facility. Lorena's aunt was a nun and the facility she ran was a convalescent home for sick and often indigent seniors. For six months I lived with four nuns and helped care for the elderly of that community.

The first couple months were really hard. I cried a lot and missed my family and friends terribly. There were definitely difficulties living in Arandas. I couldnt speak Spanish when I arrived and the nuns didnt speak English. Communication was very frustrating at first. The nuns didnt have a washing machine on the premises. I had to wash my clothes by hand on a rock basin outside. I was lucky to have a shower adjacent to my room, but the water wasnt always warm and it came out like it was flowing from a hose. There were no movie theaters or shopping malls in Arandas. We didnt have a car and instead walked everywhere for the items we needed. It was a very rural area tucked away from the rest of the world - total culture shock.

For the most part, I adopted the routines of the nuns. I changed bed linens when the elderly soiled themselves. I served meals to the seniors who were bedridden. I swept and mopped the front porch every day. I helped do the laundry and washed the dishes after every meal. In addition to the work, there were also religious implications. For six months I went to church every single morning and prayed the rosary twice a day. It was a total lifestyle change. There were definitely periods of loneliness and I was terrified of what I was doing, but during that period of my life I experienced profound growth and clarity. I learned so much about myself and was extremely happy the latter part of my stay. When I returned home, I knew exactly what I wanted in life. I had developed confidence I never knew I had.

Living the life of a nun (even if you arent one) allows a lot of time to pray. Although I was raised Catholic, the level of spiritual devotion displayed by the nuns was new for me. The church pictured above was the place I attended mass daily. Everyday I said the same prayer during the service: "Please, Lord. If it is your will, let me be worthy to meet a good man to love and raise a family with." I prayed this invocation EVERY SINGLE DAY - the same appeal for six months. Nine months after I returned home, I met my husband Matt. It was a totally random introduction and I truly believe that fateful timing was key in us finding each other. One night during those first few days of dating, Matt asked me on the phone if I knew the origin and meaning of my name. I told him I didnt and that it was just a name my mother liked. He shared, among other things, that his name was Hebrew for "gift from God." I was genuinely stunned upon hearing these words. In that moment I knew with everything in me that God meant Matt for me. It was as if he was saying "Lisa, this gift - the one you prayed for - is for you."

Tonight, when I saw that picture above, tears came to my eyes. I havent seen that church in many years, but there is no doubt that God heard me in that holy place.

Happy Saturday.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

For Matt

I know you're going to read before I actually get in touch with you. I wanted to tell you Im sorry. Im not perfect, babe. It never feels good to hurt you and I shouldnt have allowed myself to get carried away like I did. I was just frustrated and hurt and it was easier to blame you than deal with the disappointment myself.

On the way to school this morning, this song came on in the car and the boys were singing the chorus so loudly. It felt good to sing it with them, but all along I was thinking of you.
Nub you.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

*picture taken on the morning of 2/14/11

I forgot it was Valentines Day today. I woke up really early - unable to sleep. My brain was buzzing. Among the many things on my mind was the fact that I had to run down to the grocery store and get a couple essentials for the boys' lunches. I meant to do it yesterday but got too tired towards the end of the day. Ugggghhhh! As I ran into the store at 6am this morning, I was confronted with dozens of red and pink balloons, flower bouquets and a boatload of candy. It was at that moment I remembered what day it was.

My mother was always great at Valentines Day. Pretty much every year she would give me and my sister a card and/or a small gift. I remember one year she gave me a little red safety pin with a red heart dangling off it. Another year she got us cards full of shiny heart confetti. Her gifts were never grand. She never got me a dozen roses or a piece of jewerly. But for a girl like me - a girl who never had a valentine growing up - her thoughtfulness made me feel very special.

And then there is me. Not only did I forget to do something special for my boys on Valentines Day, I actually forgot it was Valentines Day!

Clearly, this would not do. I had to do something and fast. While at the grocery store, I bought two of the largest mylar balloons I have ever seen. Both were shaped like hearts and each said "I love you." Then I ran next door to the donut shop and bought two pink sprinkle donuts - one for Seamus and one for Finn. I snuck into their rooms (thank goodness they were still sleeping) and put the balloons right by their beds. They would, no doubt, be the first thing each boy would see upon waking up. Then, I set out their donuts with a cup of milk and waited.

Finn was the first one up. He came walking out into the hallway with the balloon flying beside him. He was beaming. When Seamus got up, he too was holding his balloon. He got down from his bed and literally jumped into my arms. There were lots of kisses and hugs this morning from both my boys. And lots of "I love yous" too.

It was the best start to the day that I can remember.

Happy Valentines Day everyone. And lots of love to our family in Wisconsin, Texas, Pennsylvania, Florida and off the coast of Baja California. We love you!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Am I My Brother's Keeper?

photo taken in January 2011 at Cabrillo National Park in San Diego.

Finn has been sick for the past two days. He caught a bug on Tuesday night and spent the past two days re-cooping at home. Today the kids get report cards at school and Finn was anxious to view his grades. He seemed much better than Wednesday so I reluctantly let him go to school. When Seamus found out this morning that Finn would be attending, he said:
"Thank God. Im so sick of people coming up to me asking 'Where's Finn? Where's Finn?' Its annoying."

Nothing like brotherly love on a Friday, eh?

Happy Friday.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Me Gusta! -Dazzling Lanna's Etsy Shop

Crikey! I saw these purses today and absolutely fell in love. They are so expensive, but I imagine they are worth every penny. I am seriously DUH-AY-ING right now over these beautiful creations. The custom purses and bags are sooooo freaking gorgeous! Unfortunatley for me I will have to save for months to buy one. Do you love them? I swear, I am so smitten with them it hurts.

Here is the creator's etsy shop: Dazzling Lanna
And here is my favorite:

Here is the link for MY bag (ahem, if someone romantic (hint hint) wanted to get me a little somthin, somethin for Valentines day.): The most awesome purse in the world.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

January Almost Killed Me

I apologize so much for being absent the entire month of January. It was a tough month for many reasons:

-For the first time in 11 years I am working regular part time hours, Monday thru Friday. Although its only about 14 hours a week, its been an adjustment having to manage my time and find a new routine that works for me and my family.

-My mother in law, Barb was staying with us in January. Because I was working, I didnt have the same amount of time to visit with her as I normally do. The time I could have spent blogging, I spent talking with her or catching a quick nap. Her being here the entire month was such a blessing for all of us. We all love when she comes out to visit and this time was no exception. Her help while I transitioned back into working was a complete Godsend. While I was out, Barb would empty the dishwasher or pick up needed items at the store. She watched the boys while I ran errands and took Finn to the dentist. Everyday when I walked back home from work, she was waiting at our house with laundry piled neatly on the dining room table. Isnt my mother in law the best? The first Monday after Barb left, I felt genuine loss that she wasnt with us anymore. We miss her already.

-The biggest reason why I didnt blog this month was Finn's report on Mission San Francisco de Solano (see above.) How do I begin explaining this mission project? In a word it was "massive." Finn's report was a two part project that literally sucked up all of his free time and much of ours during the month of January. The first part of the project was a written report. It included a map, a timeline, a 12 term glossary, various illustrations and a thorough bibliography. The bulk of his report, however, centered around answering 12 questions that ranged from " Name three California landmarks closest to your mission and describe them" to "On a typical day at the mission, what did the friars do?" It was a huge undertaking and once it was completed, Finn's written report totaled 28 pages. Yeah, crazy right? The kid is 10 years old and he wrote and compiled a 28 page report! The most outrageous part about this report, at least in my eyes, was that it was completely handwritten in CURSIVE. Dude! If that aint Catholic school torture I dont know what is. The only thing that was allowed to be typed was the bibliography and the title page. Everything else had to be handwritten with black ink in cursive. Let me tell ya, we had some brutal days and nights. There were many tears shed and many frustrations vented. Everyday after doing his homework Finn and I worked on his written report. It literally took weeks to write. I felt the weight of the world lift off my shoulders when he finished it.

Less than a week later, Finn's mission model was due. I was under the impression that the model was due at least two weeks after turning in the report. It seemed reasonable; that report was an absolute bear and I assumed we'd get at least 10 days to make the model. I was wrong. Apparently we were supposed to be working on both the model and the report simultaneously. Upon realizing my mistake, I panicked. Matt had to be in Virginia the following week. We had less than two days with him home to help. Barb and I were going to have to shoulder the weight of the project with Finn. I was stressed. Thankfully Matt built and painted the basic structure of our mission before he left. All we had to do was create the details: the roof, the landscaping, the doors, windows and other miscellaneous accessories. It took us four days to complete Finn's mission, but once it was done it looked good. The coolest part about it was that we all (Matt, Barb, Seamus, Finn and I) all helped in making it.

I'll try to get back into posting regularly. Our lives certainly havent slowed down. They've just become busier.

Happy Wednesday.