This week the boys and I are attending Cub Scouts Day Camp here in Vista.
Finn is our resident Cub Scout (he's a Webelo now,) but the five day camp needed volunteers so Seamus and I are helping out. I am our den leader and Seamus is an assistant/runner.
Today was our first day and although we are tired, we all survived. Phew!
Pros of today:
-my group of 11 boys are a great bunch of kids. They have good attitudes and seem eager to enjoy the camp.
-Seamus was very helpful today. Most of the morning he hung with me and my group, but in the afternoon he was drafted to other areas of the camp that needed help.
-Finn doesnt seem too bothered that Im there with him. I noticed/overheard that many other leaders are not in the same group as their children, but Finn and I are together. So far, its not a problem.
-All the kids were picked up on time. Since Im the leader, I am responsible for the boys until their parent/guardian comes to get them. If any parent is late, I have to stay late. Today was no problem - all kids left on time.
Cons of today:
- It was hot today. The weather this summer has been so yucky. The weather hasnt peaked out of the 70s much and since we're close to the coast, we've been getting a lot of overcast days. I joked to Matt that with my luck, the week of camp will be beautiful and warm. I was right. Today all of us got sweaty and I got a sunburned on my nose. I reminded the kids to reapply sunblock after lunch, but forgot to heed my own words.
- Its dirty. Our camp is located outdoors in a dirty, dusty area. There arent many trees and there isnt much grass. When I took off my socks upon coming home, I could see a dirty sock line on my legs. Very fetching. ;)
- Its a long day. Lets face it people, I'll be 40 in January. Im no spring chicken. Im also not in the best shape which makes all the running around more taxing. Camp is from 8:30 to 3pm and my job is to keep up with 11 nine year old boys. Its not easy. When I got home, my back was aching so badly. Is it arthritis or just old age? Whatever the cause, I was wiped out. I must remember to take Advil with lunch tomorrow. The good part is, I wasnt the only McGarvey who was tired this afternoon. I knew our day was exhausting when we got home and both boys zoned out in front of the tv for 30 minutes without talking. It takes a lot to slow down Seamus and that boy was tired.
All things considering, Im thinking our first day of camp was a success. Here's hoping the rest of the week will be equally fun and successful.
Happy Monday.
Great Pic of the boys. you are a good Mama!